The 10 Best Movie Action Sequences Of 2018

The 10 Best Movie Action Sequences Of 2018

The following contains potential spoilers for several films.

While we all love movies and going to the theater, most of us can't see everything on the big screen This means making decisions about which movies are "must see" on those massive movie screens, and quite frequently, those movies tend to be big action blockbusters. After all, there's nothing quite like seeing a big blowout action scene in a dark theater on a giant screen.

2018 was a great year for action. From the always reliable comic book genre, to the even more reliable Tom Cruise, there were some beautifully choreographed fight scenes, perfectly shot stunts, and some spectacular CGI moments that made us run out of popcorn long before the credits began to roll. Here are my favorite action moments of the past year.

Black Panther - T'Challa Vs. Killmonger2018 gave us three spectacular Marvel Studios movies and it started off with a bang with Black Panther. It was a remarkable movie for any number of reasons but one of the most important was the way the story used its villain, Michael B. Jordan's Killmonger. He's the film's "bad guy" but he has one of the most relatable, and potentially justifiable, motivations of any character in the MCU.

This is what makes the first battle between Killmonger and T'Challa so good. The fight scene isn't simply an excuse for action, it's an important moment that helps tell the story, as all action scenes should. We learn a great deal about both characters, especially Killmonger. While Black Panther ends with the traditional Marvel CGI spectacle, this fight scene is much simpler. Nobody has superpowers, and nobody is wearing magic armor. This makes the fight much more visceral. The audience feels like an actual spectator standing at the waterfall, along with all the other characters of the film.

Pacific Rim Uprising - Tokyo BattleJust because it's nice to get a simple one-on-one fight sequence now and then, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the massive CGI-filled action explosion. Pacific Rim Uprising certainly gave us that in a huge final battle that destroyed several kaiju, a few giant robots, and most of Tokyo.

Where the original Pacific Rim was a remarkably grounded story considering its premise, the sequel went all-in on the fact that it was really just a giant monster fighting movie and wore it like a badge of honor. The big blow out fight at the end sees multiple robots taking on multiple monsters,which heralds that many more cool weapons, satisfying monster deaths, and by the end, it seems everything capable of combusting has exploded in a glorious display. It's movie fun in its purest form.

Ready Player One - Race For The Copper KeyWhile most movies save the best for last, Ready Player One decided the best way to engage the audience was to jump into a massive action setpiece from practically the very beginning. The first challenge our hero Parzival must overcome is part race and part demolition derby, and part easter egg hunt for the audience.

Almost as soon as we are introduced to the OASIS, we jump into the race that sees our main character jump behind the wheel of the Back to the Future Delorean and race against countless other characters. Other vehicles are being taken down by competing racers as well as the various obstacles of the course like dinosaurs and King Kong. It's a remarkable introduction to the digital world we'll be spending most of the movie inside, and one you'll want to watch again and again if only to find all the pop culture references that went by too fast to see the first time.

Avenger's Infinity War - Captain America To The RescueThe massive final battle is probably the most memorable action sequence in Avengers: Infinity War. However, it's so big and overwhelming that, while there are some absolutely spectacular moments in it, we never really feel like we're actually seeing the entire battle, it's just too big. This is why the much smaller sequence where Captain America, Falcon, and Black Widow come to the rescue makes the list. It's far more satisfying.

This is really the finale of a larger sequence that starts with Wanda and Vision under attack from two members of Thanos' Black Order, but from the moment we hear the opening strains of the Avengers theme, we know we're in for something special. Cap comes out of the shadows, but he's really just a distraction so Falcon can fly in and kick somebody in the face. Then Black Widow comes in and shows us why she's so deadly. It's one of the few moments where our heroes get a definitive victory in the movie. The Order gets completely dismantled by our heroes. It's only a couple of minutes long, but it's beautiful.

Deadpool 2 - Convoy AssaultWhat happens when you put one of the guys who directed John Wick in charge of a comic book movie franchise? You get some of the best action scenes the genre has ever had. Deadpool 2 is full of great action, but the highlight has to be the assault on the convoy in an attempt to rescue Russell from Cable.

From the beautifully choreographed way that Domino's luck is demonstrated, to the close quarters hand-to-hand fighting and gunplay, pretty much everything about this sequence is fun to watch. It's easy to overlook just how good the action is because you're laughing so hard but it's clear that director David Leitch has done his best to make Deadpool 2 a great action movie as well as a great comedy.

Incredibles 2 - Train ChaseThe original Incredibles was one of the best superhero movies ever made when it was released, and while the sequel doesn't hit quite that high note, it's a perfectly solid movie both as a Pixar family drama and a superhero action movie.

The sequel is Elastigirl's time to shine, and she certainly does with a solo action sequence that shows us just how formidable a hero she really is. Starting with a high-speed chase on a specially designed motorcycle and moving on to trying to stop a runaway train, this animated action scene is as good anything we saw in live action this year, and better than a lot of it too.

Mission: Impossible - Fallout - HALO JumpIf a year ever comes where a Mission: Impossible movie doesn't make a list like this, then it's probably time to hang up the franchise. You can always count on Tom Cruise and company to put on a stunning visual display and Mission: Impossible - Fallout was no exception.

It's hard to choose which big action setpiece from the film should be on the list, and I'm not filling up half the list with this one movie. In the end, it has to be the most impressive stunt, the HALO jump that saw Tom Cruise actually jump out of an airplane, several times, at a height no actor had ever jumped out at before. If that had been all, it wouldn't have made this list. But we then see Cruise pull off some impressive action, in three long take sequences, that just ups the impressiveness of this to new levels.

The Meg - Final BattleAt the polar opposite from Tom Cruise pulling off one of the most impressive practical stunts in film history is Jason Statham versus a giant shark. Movies are weird man.

The Meg is a movie that takes itself only as seriously as it needs to and then lets the rest just go crazy. While the massive megalodon only terrorizes our band of heroes for most of the film, in the finale the creature gets loose and goes after a beach full of vacationers. The mayhem is off the charts and it only gets crazier when Jason Statham and his friends start firing torpedos at the thing from single passenger submersibles. It's bonkers in all the best ways and so much fun to watch.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - Spider-Man vs. KingpinSpider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a movie that has justifiably been receiving acclaim from pretty much all corners of the film world. It somehow is able to be the seventh starring role for the wall-crawling hero in less than two decades while also being one of the most unique movies in years.

In the movie's finale, the alternative universe plot and the unique and creative art design come together beautifully, creating a fight between Spider-Man and Kingpin where basically anything can happen, and it usually does. The ground beneath their feet and everything around them is always in flux, so you're never quite sure what's going to happen next. Yet, the focus is always on the characters, and the young Spider-Man's first chance to prove, mostly to himself, that he is worthy of taking up the title of Spider-Man.

Aquaman - Black Manta/Rooftop ChaseAquaman is a movie full of impressive visuals mostly having to do with the creation of the underwater kingdoms. However, the best action sequence in the film actually takes place entirely on land. It sees Arthur Curry and Mera doing battle with Black Manta and a collection of Atlantean soldiers.

What makes this sequence so great is the way James Wan has fun with the camera. Our two lead heroes get separated early on in the battle, and rather than simply cutting between the two fights, The camera smoothly transitions between the two. We see Mera running across a rooftop in the background of a fight between Aquaman and Black Manta. After zooming in on her for a while, the camera pans out to catch Aquaman again later. It's a fun way to follow the action that also allows us to enjoy the beautiful Sicilian scenery.

The original Incredibles was one of the best superhero movies ever made when it was released, and while the sequel doesn't hit quite that high note, it's a perfectly solid movie both as a Pixar family drama and a superhero action movie.
The Best Action Sequences Of The 21st Century

Action movies that have the best action scenes of all time! WatchMojo presents the top 10 Movies that have the absolute greatest action sequences ever! But what classic film will take the top spot
The 10 Best Movie Action Sequences Of 2018 -

However, the best action sequence in the film actually takes place entirely on land. It sees Arthur Curry and Mera doing battle with Black Manta and a collection of Atlantean soldiers. What makes this sequence so great is the way James Wan has fun with the camera.
The 10 Best Movie Action Sequences Of 2018 -

The Boulder was lame. The best action set piece in any movie ever. Happens near the end of "Raiders". The Desert Chase sequence is tops!. What I want to know is where are the car chases in "Bullit" and "The French Connection". They merit a top ten place, not too mention, the scores of action set
The 25 best action sequences maybe ever, but definitely of

The Best Action Sequences Of The 21st Century Debating the best action films in a given era is always tricky, because there are so many sub-categories. There are crime and cop films, Kung Fu movies, action comedies, war stories, and more that could all be described as being, primarily, action films.
Top 10 Best Movie Action Sequences - TheTopTens®

The Best Movie Action Sequences of 2018 | Flickering Myth

Harrison Abbott on the best movie action sequences of 2018… About a week ago, I wrote an article ranking the Worst Action Sequences of 2018 and the reception to it was contentious to say the least.
Top 10 Movies with the Best Action Sequences - YouTube

However, the best action sequence in the film actually takes place entirely on land. It sees Arthur Curry and Mera doing battle with Black Manta and a collection of Atlantean soldiers. What makes this sequence so great is the way James Wan has fun with the camera.
The 10 Best Movie Action Sequences Of 2018 -

The Dark Knight is an unconventional superhero film, so it is fitting that its best action sequence is a bizarre deconstruction of a Hollywood car chase.The prison transfer chase sequence in Gotham's lower fifth is exhilarating not because it is full of nifty explosions or fast-paced action - but because it dares to be slow.
The Best Movie Action Sequences of 2018 | Flickering Myth

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However, the best action sequence in the film actually takes place entirely on land. It sees Arthur Curry and Mera doing battle with Black Manta and a collection of Atlantean soldiers.
The 10 Best Movie Action Sequences Of 2018 - 247

2) Incredibles 2: Taking the Elasticycle for a Spin Putting many of its live-action counterparts to shame, Incredibles 2 is one of the best superhero movies of the year and it certainly doesn't
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Disney Wouldn't Let Wreck-It Ralph 2 Make A Kylo Ren Joke

Disney Wouldn't Let Wreck-It Ralph 2 Make A Kylo Ren Joke

Animated Disney movies are known for making jokes about pop culture on occasion, but ahead of the release of Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2, directors Rich Moore and Phil Johnston have revealed a Kylo Ren joke did not make the final cut. Moore revealed more about what happened in a recent interview, noting,

At one point we had a joke about Kylo Ren being kind of a spoiled child. We went to Lucasfilm and said, here's what we're doing. And they said, well, we'd prefer that you don't show him as a spoiled child. You know, he is our villain, and we'd prefer you don't do that. So, we were respectful of that.

Disney apparently has pretty strong communication between departments, as Rich Moore said the creative team respectfully went to Lucasfilm with the original idea, whereupon they were promptly shot down. Considering the upcoming movie already notoriously has a scene featuring the Disney Princesses playing up their various personalities and stereotypes, the lack of tolerance for a Kylo Ren joke might seem like a surprise, but the directors don't seem too bent out of shape about being told "no."

Instead, they told IGN the decision to cut the Kylo Ren joke was one that made sense for the movie. In order for a jab to work it really needs to "honor who these characters are" not take a quick shot for the sake of comedy. Phil Johnston also told the outlet the movie is really going for "loving satire" and apparently the Kylo Ren joke really didn't fit that mold.

Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 isn't avoiding Disney's popular Star Wars franchise completely. In fact, C-3PO is set to be the butler in the upcoming movie, also appearing in the princesses scene.

Director Rich Moore previously addressed why Princess Leia wasn't included in the Disney princesses scene, noting,

I mean there are a lot of princesses that are from Disney movies that are not part of the canonized Disney princesses, you know, and I don't know how they're chosen. I don't know how it goes on. I think it's kinda like the Vatican where smoke comes out of a chimney. 'And Moana is now a Disney princess.' So we decided we're going to use the canonized group of princesses, known as the Disney Princesses.

If you haven't seen the full trailer for Wreck-It Ralph 2 in all its princess glory, be sure to check it out below.

So, it sounds like some Star Wars references will make it in, but some just didn't really fit the direction of where the movie was going or what Disney was hoping to see in the animated flick. We'll be able to see if the tone in Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 is not too hot, not too cold and, in fact, just right when the movie hits theaters on November 21, 2018.

Marvel Had A Great Night At The Oscars @yournerdside #yournerdside Posted on February 25, 2019 February 25, 2019 by Aaron For the first decade of its existence, the Marvel Cinematic Universe made itself king both at the box office and in the hearts of the moviegoing public, but it went home empty handed every time on Oscar night.
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But for those of you who've wondered if Jurassic World 3 will see dinosaurs attacking cities, director Colin Trevorrow has nixed that idea, saying: Colin Trevorrow has a point. The dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park universe operate just like any other wild animal, meaning they wouldn't coordinate to attack humanity.
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Jessica Chastains Eve Lands New Director After Backlash

Jessica Chastains Eve Lands New Director After Backlash

A few weeks ago, the upcoming Jessica Chastain-led action movie Eve found itself in a bit of hot water. While Australian director Matthew Newton was attached to take the helm, many complained about his personal history, specifically a 2007 incident that saw him plead guilty to assaulting his then-girlfriend. Response led Newton to leave his job, but now news has come down the wire that a replacement has been found.

Tate Taylor, who previously worked with Jessica Chastain on the Oscar-winning 2011 film The Help, has now come aboard to direct Eve as his first action movie. To date the filmmaker's work has been more in of straight comedy (Pretty Ugly People) or drama (The Help, Get On Up, The Girl On The Train) variety, but this will give him an opportunity to show what he can do with a different style of shooting.

Presumably still working with the original script written by Matthew Newton, Eve will star Jessica Chastain as the titular heroin - a talented female assassin - but not much else is known about the movie's plot. Not only that, though, Chastain is also working behind the scenes as well, and is producing the feature through her personal banner, Freckle Films.

What's unclear is exactly when the movie is going to really start moving forward. Jessica Chastain is currently a touch busy reuniting with another previous collaborator, Andres Muschietti, on IT: Chapter Two, which should keep her busy for a while. Meanwhile, Tate Taylor has his on material brewing as well, as he is currently in post-production on Ma, a Blumhouse horror movie starring Luke Evans, Allison Janney, Missi Pyle, Juliette Lewis, and Octavia Spencer. Eve isn't even the only film that Chastain and Taylor are developing together, as the trade report adds that they are collaborating on The Eyes of Tammy Faye - a film that is presumably based on the documentary of the same name about Tammy Faye Messner a.k.a. Tammy Faye Bakker.

Thanks to this movie's mysterious timeline, we're not sure exactly when we'll be able to see the finished product right now, but at the very least we will see a new action movie starring Jessica Chastain in the coming months. Though the real name of her character has yet to be revealed, she is set to play the central villain in Simon Kinberg's upcoming X-Men: Dark Phoenix which was originally scheduled to be released in November, but is now going to come out on Valentine's Day in 2019. Hopefully it will provide a nice ass-kicking preview that will give us a sense of what to expect from the action potential in Eve.

This is a project that definitely has our curiosity, so stay tuned for more updates on CinemaBlend.

Jessica Chastain's Eve director drops out over backlash Jessica Chastain's Eve director drops out over backlash. By Dwayne Johnson's Black Adam film moves ahead with new director.
Director Drops Out of Jessica Chastain's 'Eve' Following

A few weeks ago, the upcoming Jessica Chastain-led action movie Eve found itself in a bit of hot water. While Australian director Matthew Newton was attached to take the helm, many complained about his personal history, specifically a 2007 incident that saw him plead guilty to assaulting his then-girlfriend.
Jessica Chastain's The Help director takes over on Eve after

After mounting backlash over a history of alleged assault, Matthew Newton has dropped out as writer and director of the upcoming Jessica Chastain movie 'Eve.'
Matthew Newton Exits As Director Of Jessica Chastain's 'Eve

Matthew Newton has stepped down from directing Jessica Chastain's new movie Eve in response to the online backlash regarding his alleged history of assault. The 41-year-old Australian actor and
Jessica Chastain's Eve director drops out over backlash

A few weeks ago, the upcoming Jessica Chastain-led action movie Eve found itself in a bit of hot water. Subscribe To Jessica Chastain's Eve Lands New Director After Backlash Updates close
Jessica Chastain's Eve Lands New Director After Backlash

Jessica Chastain's The Help director takes over on Eve after initial backlash. Dwayne Johnson's Black Adam film moves ahead with new director Michael B. Jordan committed to making Hollywood

Eve (Movie) type Movie performer Jessica Chastain This time, it's not all about Eve. It's all about Eve's director. Following Matthew Newton's decision to step down from directing Jessica Chastain in the female assassin film, Tate Taylor, the Oscar-nominated actress' helmer on The Help, has been tapped as a replacement, EW has learned.
Jessica Chastain's Eve Loses Director After Massive Backlash

Jessica Chastain's Eve Lands New Director After Backlash

Jessica Chastain's Eve Loses Director After Massive Backlash Movies August 10, 2018 No Comments At the beginning of August, Jessica Chastain announced that, through her production company, she would be producing and starring in a new character-driven action film called Eve .
Jessica Chastain's 'Eve' Loses Director Matthew Newton - Variety

Matthew Newton has exited as director of Jessica Chastain's "Eve" following online backlash due to his history of alleged assault and domestic violence.. Newton, who suffers from bipolar
Jessica Chastain's Eve director steps down following backlash

Matthew Newton has exited as director of the Jessica Chastain-starring Eve, a character-driven action movie that the Aussie also wrote.Chastain announced the film August 1 which she is producing
Eve: Jessica Chastain's The Help director Tate Taylor joins