9 Important Things To Remember Before Seeing Avengers: Endgame

9 Important Things To Remember Before Seeing Avengers: Endgame

This is it, folks! We are in the Avengers: Endgame! Eleven years and 21 films have prepared the world for this momentous event of epic proportions, and after this movie is released, nothing will be the same. So surely, you’re prepared for the big day, but let’s go through a rough and ready checklist.

You’ve picked out a shirt/outfit/cosplay of your favorite hero to wear to the theater, right? Good. You’re all stretched and rested, prepared for a little over three hours of screen time with no bathroom breaks? Fantastic. You remember all of the details needed to enjoy Avengers: Endgame, after rewatching the entire MCU? Ah, ha! We thought you’d need help with that.

While this isn’t a total substitute for watching the 21 film run currently known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we’re about to provide you with nine key facts that you should remember, in order to make your Endgame the best game. So do another stretch, make sure your outfit’s pressed and stitched, and read on to prepare yourself for the movie event of the summer.

The Infinity Stones Are As Old As The Universe Itself

As explained by Master Wong in Avengers: Infinity War, the Infinity Stones were created by the Big Bang, along with the universe we all exist in. Thanks to that big universe energy, each of the six stones created were cast out into the cosmos, settling in random spaces.

So if you’re a being like Thanos, this is something that’s crucial, as theoretically one could use those stones to do something like, say, balance the universe in your own image and take on the Earth’s mightiest heroes without breaking a sweat.

Or, if you’re a comic/movie company, you could build an entire shared universe of heroes over the acquisition and defense of these stones as well. But whatever one would do with the Infinity Stones, the point is, they’re roughly as old as the planet you’re currently on. Maybe fractionally older.

Those Stones Also Controlling Vital Elements Of Existence

Each of the Infinity Stones controls a vital element that can be manipulated whenever that gem is activated. Those six elements are Reality, Time, Mind, Soul, Space, and Power; each with a different color corresponding to their power signatures.

Those stones individually are a force to be reckoned with, but there’s an even bigger threat that involves their usage. Should all six of those Infinity Stones be collected and mounted into the fabled Infinity Gauntlet, they could be used to trigger a cataclysmic event that would wipe out half the universe.

Known as “The Decimation” (or simply, The Snap), it’s Thanos’ ultimate endgame, as he is obsessed with balancing what he feels is a universe of chaos and overpopulation. There’s a chance of stopping this mad titan, but to do so, the right team needs to be in place.

The Original Avengers Haven't Been All Together Since Age Of Ultron

Normally that “right team” would be The Avengers, but here’s the thing: the original six haven’t been together since Avengers: Age of Ultron. With Hulk being the first to leave the scene, the group eventually started peeling off and doing their own things.

Eventually, Thor would be the next Avenger to leave the board, as his visions of destruction and chaos in Asgard inspired him to return home after a prolonged absence. And then, the rest of the OG team was broken apart by those three lovely politically-charged words: The Sokovia Accords.

With Iron Man and Captain America leading factions of pro and anti sentiments involving the accords, the events of Captain America: Civil War split the rest of the team, including Hawkeye and Black Widow, into groups that were either law-abiding supers or fugitive-costumed heroes. At this point, the fracturing of the team that started in Avengers: Age of Ultron only continued to set them apart.

The Avengers Are Much Different Heroes Than When They Started

Even if they hadn’t split up during the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War, there are a lot of changes that have happened in the lives of the team. And we’re not just talking about costumes or weapons of choice either; these go right to the stem of their personalities.

Tony Stark is in the final stages of settling down to get married to Pepper Potts. Captain America is no longer the U.S. Government’s biggest boy scout. Black Widow and Bruce “The Hulk” Banner were in the middle of a relationship until he left. And Hawkeye has a secret family no one knew about.

Add in their differences of opinion involving the Sokovia Accords, and you’ve got a body of superheroes that aren’t quite sure what the next move is. Which is the perfect time for Thanos (Josh Brolin) to come knocking in Avengers: Infinity War, with his quest for the Infinity Stones already putting one Avenger partially out of commission.

The Hulk Has Gone Into Hiding (With Bruce Still In The Open)

There was a time when Bruce Banner would have metaphorically killed to rid himself of the ability to turn into the Hulk. Having a large, green, rage monster within you that needs constant supervision and control isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when trying to lead a normal life. So who can really blame him?

However, Banner’s wish for Hulk to return to action throughout Avengers: Infinity War is equally identifiable, seeing as it’s kind of his job at that point. But the green guy went into hiding after receiving a rare thrashing from Thanos, and as of the end of the film, he’s yet to show up in his full form; despite what the trailers may have told people.

So now, Bruce Banner could go on dates, get angry without a care, and generally live a normal life. You know, if it wasn’t for the whole Decimation happening and everything. Come to think of it, has anyone seen Betty Ross lately?

The Decimation Had To Happen, According To Doctor Strange

Quite possibly the greatest twist of all to take place in Avengers: Infinity War is not the fact that Thanos’s Decimation actually happened, but the fact that according to Dr. Stephen Strange, it had to happen. There’s heroes admitting that the odds are severely not in their favor, and then there’s flat out telling your teammates that you have to lose big in order to win bigger.

Out of 14,000,605 outcomes that could have taken place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there was only one scenario that Strange admitted would have yielded a successful outcome; a fact he’d continue to swear by as he crumpled into dust. And unfortunately for the universe, that particular game plan meant Thanos had to get his hands on the complete Infinity Gauntlet package, and realize his plan of wiping out half of its occupants.

With the ultimate defeat delivered at their doorstep, and quite a few of their own numbers wiped out in the process, The Avengers that remained were left to mourn and lick their wounds. Meanwhile, Thanos surveys his work on a lush planet, ready to give up his madness and be at peace with the universe.

All Of The Avengers Are Scattered Throughout The Universe

Even before the main event of Avengers: Infinity War, the team was split into two different locations, providing Thanos with just as many fronts to fight his war of acquisition. On his home planet of Titan, and the fields of Wakanda, the purple tyrant found himself snapping up the last two Infinity Stones, and then snapping away half the universe.

This left Tony Stark and Nebula on the planet of Titan, with the Guardians of the Galaxy’s craft the Milano as their only way off the planet. Meanwhile, the rest of the remaining Avengers are on Earth, presumably at their New York headquarters, trying to figure out what their next move is.

While they may not know it, events at that point are in order that will eventually save the day. And it will all come down to the very thing, and the very person, that brought them together in the first place.

Nick Fury Provided The Avengers With An Edge

At the end of Avengers: Infinity War, we see a post-credits scene of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents Nick Fury and Maria Hill driving as they learn of the incursion of Thanos’s forces in Wakanda. All of a sudden, a car accident takes place, and the agents learn of the effects The Decimation is having on the globe firsthand.

With Hill being the first to disintegrate, Nick Fury has just enough time to almost swear, and send a page out to his good friend Carol “Captain Marvel” Danvers. She receives this page in the depths of space and returns in the post-credits scene to Captain Marvel, with one question in mind: “Where’s Fury?”

Her friend may be missing, but thanks to Captain America and his surviving partners in The Avengers continually paging her to return, Carol is now aligned with Earth’s mightiest heroes in their most desperate hour of need.

Ant-Man Is Stuck In The Quantum Realm

As if the stakes weren’t high enough with the events set forth in Avengers: Infinity War, there’s one more thing that is going to be super important to remember when stepping foot into Avengers: Endgame: Scott Lang is stuck in the Quantum Realm, thanks to The Decimation.

It was all due to a science experiment being run at the end of Ant-Man and The Wasp, as the newly reunited Pym/Van Dyne family were having Scott harvest some energy in the world of the subatomic. All in the name of keeping Ava “Ghost” Starr stable while research was being conducted to cure her of a problem involving involuntary quantum phase shifts.

Just as Scott was ready to return to the world of the regularly sized, The Decimation hit and took out Hope Van Dyne, her mother Janet, and her father Hank Pym; all of whom were monitoring Ant-Man as he went subatomic. Scott seemingly has no way out at this point, and we’re left with him crying out for help in the Quantum Realm.

There you have it: everything you needed to know about Avengers: Endgame, but were too cool to ask. Now, you’re absolutely ready to see the end of an era. So do a couple more stretches, and don’t overestimate using the bathroom a couple extra times before seeing the film. You can never be too sure with your bladder. Happy hunting, MCU fans, and if you happen to have the time to watch a couple of the previous films, use our list of the essential short list of titles to make sure you’re spending your prep time wisely.

Avengers: Endgame starts pulling everything back into place in early showings this Thursday.

Was This Chris Evans' 'Stupid' Final Line For Avengers: Endgame?

Was This Chris Evans' 'Stupid' Final Line For Avengers: Endgame?
captain america endgame

Spoiler Warning: I think we all know the drill by now. Enter at your own risk!

Avengers: Endgame is still sweeping its way through the world, and while it hasn't quite taken the No. 1 spot from Avatar yet, it's taken the No. 1 spot in our hearts (or mine at least). Now that the movie has finally been seen by, like, trillions of people, longtime mysteries about Endgame are getting solved -- including one involving Chris Evans' last "dumb" line as Captain America.

Way back in October of 2018, Chris Evans was asked about what his last day on set was like and what the last line he ever recorded was. While the day itself was emotional for the actor, the last line he delivered was totally unmemorable. In fact, he said it "was something really stupid, it was something really dumb."

The line happened during reshoots, which are meant to give the film whatever it's missing. The line wasn't substantial at all, and the only other detail Chris Evans gave was that he thought it was in reaction to something that Paul Rudd's Ant-Man said.

Now that Avengers: Endgame is finally out, it's not too hard to see what's the "stupid" line. It's more than likely the now infamous "America's ass" joke that got audiences laughing, but is pretty stupid on paper.

The scene happens about halfway through the film when Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, and Scott Lang have time-traveled to the Battle of New York in 2012. The group inevitably observe their past-selves, and Tony makes the comment that Captain America's Avengers costume "didn't do anything for your ass."

Ant-Man replies that he thinks it looks fine and that it's "America's ass." Later, 2023 Steve ends up fighting 2012 Captain America, and his younger self is left lying ass up on the ground. After a quick observation, 2023 Steve says, "That is America's ass." End scene.

So, you can see why that's not a super memorable way to end an almost decade-long run as Captain America, especially when Robert Downey Jr.'s last line was so fitting.

The "America's ass" joke is Marvel having a bit of meta fun. Endgame co-writer Stephen McFeely previously said that the line was a reference to the Avengers Cap costume being the worst one, and it was meant to be a fun wink at how far the costumes have come. Captain America definitely got better outfits in later movies.

Maybe Steve said some other stupid lines to Scott in Avengers: Endgame, but this seems like the strongest contender. Maybe we'll all just have to see Endgame for the fourth time, out in theaters right now. For everything else hitting theaters for the rest of the year, be sure to check out our 2019 movie release guide.

Stan Lee’s Business Manager Has Been Charged With Elder Abuse

Stan Lee’s Business Manager Has Been Charged With Elder Abuse
Stan Lee cameo in Iron Man

After his November passing, Stan Lee left behind an incredible legacy with his contributions to Marvel. However, the last year of his life was not kind to the comic book icon, namely with the tumultuous relationship between him and his former business manager, Keya Morgan. After Lee was granted a restraining order against Morgan back in August for claims over mishandling over $5 million of his money receiving physical and emotional abuse from him, Morgan has been charged with five counts of elder abuse against Stan Lee.

The Los Angeles superior court has issued an arrest warrant against Stan Lee’s former business manager with charges that include false imprisonment, fraud and forgery, per The Guardian. Along with allegedly taking advantage of the Marvel Comics legend’s fortune, Keya Morgan also has been accused of moving Lee to an undisclosed location to isolate him from his family and friends and using their relationship to embezzle artwork as well.

An incident in May 2018 fueled the fire when Keya Morgan reportedly dialed 911 while with Stan Lee’s Los Angeles home with visiting police and a social worker to get them arrested for “trespassing” while they were called to help him perform a welfare check. Morgan was arrested with charges of filing a false police report. While in June, Stan Lee originally refuted claims regarding Keya Morgan, he decided to file the restraining order a few months later. It required Morgan to stay at least 100 yards away from Lee for three years.

The business manager was also accused of taking hold of Stan Lee’s Twitter account to post some irregular tweets and being behind a 2018 $1 billion lawsuit by Lee against his own company Pow! Entertainment, which was dropped a couple months later by the comics creator. Morgan has defended the accusations against him with claims that they are motivated by Lee’s daughter JC, who is leading a “witch hunt” with their lawyer because she could not stand how much Stan Lee liked him so much.

The lawyers representing Stan Lee Lee and his daughter, Kirk Schenck and Jonathan Freund said that since Lee lost his wife Joan in 2017, multiple people have attempted to get close to Stan Lee, his business and affairs to take advantage of him. In Schenck’s words to The Guardian:

Elder abuse is becoming more and more common as celebrities and famous world figures are living longer and longer, amassing a significant wealth profile along the way. Many elderly artists like Stan Lee are creative personality types that tended to defer financial decisions to others their whole life. The problem arises as celebrities get older and slowly lose their ability to monitor their fiduciaries – even ones they’d trusted for years.

Sounds like Stan Lee was facing a tough reality at the end of his life as multiple people close to him were seeking to exploit his fortune. In addition to recently becoming a widower, Lee was faced with over $2 million dollars in robberies that year, health issues and someone even stole some of his blood to forge his signature on Black Panther comic books in Las Vegas.

Controversies aside, the Marvel legend played a part in the recent MCU culmination by providing his last cameo in Avengers: Endgamewhich has made well over $2.5 billion at the box office worldwide in less than three weeks on the big screen.

Zack Snyder Wants Fans To Be "Open To Other Things" Beyond Marvel

Zack Snyder Wants Fans To Be "Open To Other Things" Beyond Marvel

Comic book movies are a massive force in the modern blockbuster world. Studios are producing nearly 10 of them per year at this point, but far from over-saturating the market, they are instead regularly making money hand over fist. Zack Snyder, of course, has been a key figure in the middle of it all - having made half of his movies based on material from the printed medium - but in an interesting twist, the filmmaker has recently called for audiences to expand their horizons beyond big screen superheroics.

Per a video found on Twitter, Zack Snyder recently took part in a panel discussion, and had a few things to say about where comic book movies stand in the current market. We're not sure what the question was that inspired the response, but the quote is interesting nonetheless. Specifically citing the overwhelming pop culture presence of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Justice League director explained,

The thing with comic book movies is you know Im a fan. I go and see them, and I love them. I dont have a you know, I go and see all the Avengers movies, and I go, and enjoy them. I love it. You dont have to not enjoy them, but you also have to be open to other things as well.

Anyone who regularly follows box office patterns likely sees that Zack Snyder has a point here. While the timing of the statement is a bit funny, as Jordan Peele's Us just set opening weekend records for an original property this past weekend, there is little question that superhero movies typically get more heat than most other releases from Hollywood. Perfectly illustrating that point is the fact that four out of the Top Five films of 2018 were examples of the genre, and six of the Top 10.

This isn't to say that audiences are totally ignoring original movies and offerings from other genres. John Krasinski's A Quiet Place was an absolutely massive surprise last year, and features like Bradley Cooper's A Star Is Born and Bryan Singer's Bohemian Rhapsody were not only award-nominated, but made north of $215 million domestically. Still, the lion's share of worldwide attention is primarily pointed towards caped crusaders and masked vigilantes - and with upcoming titles like Shazam!, Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: Far From Home, Dark Phoenix, and more peppered across the rest of this year's release calendar, things aren't exactly slowing down in 2019.

Hearing Zack Snyder take this point of view, one has to wonder what it could mean for his potential future as a director. A lot of his success has come thanks to his work adapting stories from comics, and the truth is that it's been nearly a decade since he made a film not based on the material (2011's Sucker Punch). However, he does seem to be moving away from that arena with his in development projects. We know he is doing a zombie action movie called Army Of The Dead as his next feature (a movie he's been wanting to make for a long time), and he is also working on making an adaptation of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead. Could his desire to see fans open themselves up to material beyond the comic book realm be a reflection of his own trajectory?

You can make your own judgments watching Zack Snyder speak in the brief clip below:

Zack Snyder doesn't currently have any films in production, but he is certainly never shy about sharing his comic book movie thoughts, and you can continue to regularly find them here on CinemaBlend.

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Song Of The South: The Story Behind The Disney Movie That Disappeared

Song Of The South: The Story Behind The Disney Movie That Disappeared
Br'er Fox holding Br'er Rabbit by the ears in Song of the South

Last week, Disney CEO Bob Iger told a room full of Disney stockholders that the plan for the upcoming Disney+ streaming service was to have Disney’s entire motion picture library available shortly after launch. Clearly, this is an exciting concept for both Disney fans, as well as movie fans in general, as Disney has a library stretching back decades. However, it seems highly unlikely that literally every Disney movie will ever actually be on the service, as there’s at least one movie that will almost certainly be missing: 1946’s Song of the South.

Whether or not you’ve ever actually seen the movie, you likely know at least something of the controversy that surrounds it. Last released in theaters in 1986, the film hasn’t been shown publicly since then, and has never received a VHS or DVD release in North America. When Bob Iger was asked about the film during the same Disney stockholders’ meeting in 2010, he called the film “fairly offensive” and has said we should not expect to see the movie released any time soon, if ever.

Song of the South focuses on a young boy named Johnny who has traveled with his parents from Atlanta to his grandmother’s plantation in an undisclosed Southern location. Upon arriving there, Johnny learns his father is turning around and going home. It seems Johnny parents will be separating for a while, perhaps something to do with his father’s controversial editorship of a newspaper. It’s all very vague and never explained.

Johnny attempts to run away back to his father, but he’s stopped by the kindly Uncle Remus, an elderly black man (James Baskett), who tells him a story about Br’er Rabbit and a time he tried running away from his problems, and only found greater ones. Johnny decides to stay, if only to hear more stories from Uncle Remus.

Johnny makes a friend in a young girl his age, Jenny, but runs afoul of her bully older brothers. Every time Johnny finds himself in trouble, Uncle Remus is there with a story that relates to the issue and helps Johnny through it.

While the stories of Br’er Rabbit, Br’er Fox, and Br’er Bear are animated, Song of the South is still very much a live action movie. The animated sequences cover no more than about 20 minutes, broken up in three segments, of the 90-minute film. Song of the South has been the subject of controversy since it was released back in 1946, and that controversy has only increased since then.

The first problem with Song of the South is that it never makes it entirely clear what the relationship is between the black and white characters in the film. While the movie is supposed to be set during the era of Reconstruction, it never comes out and simply says this. Many audiences have viewed the relationship between the black and white characters as being that of slaves and masters, and there’s little evidence to discount this view. The closest the movie comes is when, 10 minutes before the film is over, Uncle Remus decides to leave the plantation. The fact he’s allowed to do so is the only indication he’s not a slave.

Regardless, the relationship between black and white characters is portrayed as ideal. Everybody is happy, even though one group here is clearly rich and the other is clearly poor.

Beyond that, Song of the South deals with the use of racist dialects, as well as the use of the trope that would later become known as the “magical negro.” Even the animated sequences aren’t free of controversy. One of Br’er Fox’s plans to capture Br’er Rabbit involves the use of a golem made of black tar which the fox refers to as a ...tar baby. Yeah, this thing can get rough.

On the other side of the controversy, however, is a movie that has a lot going for it. It’s the second feature film in Disney history to see human actors performing with animated characters in the same frame, and it’s done to far greater effect than it was in The Three Caballeros.

The film is a two-time Oscar winner. The song “Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah” won the award for Best Original Song and James Baskett was given an honorary Oscar for his performance as Uncle Remus.

Since its final theatrical release in 1986, Disney has largely tried to forget that Song of the South exists. While the popular Splash Mountain attraction found at Disneyland and Walt Disney World takes its inspiration and music from the film, the ride focuses exclusively on the exploits of Br’er Rabbit and other animal characters. Uncle Remus does not appear and he is not mentioned.

Today, there are two minds about what to do with Song of the South. Many believe the film should simply stay buried. It’s a product of an era and attitudes about race that we all understand today were wrong. Bringing the film back would only remind people of something we should forget.

Others, however, would like to focus on the film’s positives, such as the popular music and the revolutionary animation. Many do feel there’s value to the film historically and that it should exist. Perhaps Song of the South could be brought back, maybe on a disc that also includes additional material like documentaries and retrospectives that put the film in context and accept the film has elements worthy of criticism, but uses them as a teaching moment.

Of course, if that does happen, then audiences will learn something else that’s important about Song of the South. It’s not very good. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it isn’t actually a great film. The animated segments really are fun (tar babies notwithstanding), but the live-action sequences just draw on and on and you get really bored waiting for the cartoons to come back on.

I’m not going to pretend like I know what the right decision to make here is. However, I’m also not sure that Disney knows either. Clearly, the studio's plan is to leave Song of the South in the vault for now. Maybe a compelling argument will be made to bring it back one day, but I don’t expect that day will come this year. When Disney+ brings every other Disney movie right to your TV, from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to The Cat From Outer Space and more, don’t expect Br’er Rabbit or Uncle Remus to come with them.

Wait, Is Doctor Strange Director Scott Derrickson Doing A Hellraiser Reboot?

Wait, Is Doctor Strange Director Scott Derrickson Doing A Hellraiser Reboot?

It's normal nowadays for a studio to resurrect old, familiar franchises in order to give them a second life up on the big screen. We saw an example of that last year with the new Halloween film, which sparked new life into the horror franchise. It looks like another horror icon may be getting a new film soon. Doctor Strange director Scott Derrickson tweeted an image teasing that he might be directing a new Hellraiser movie.

Fitting right in with Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, and other movie monsters, Hellraiser is a series of horror films that centers around a creature named Pinhead. The storylines of the films follow a puzzle box that is a gate to the hell-like dimension of the Cenobites, an order of formerly human monsters who harvest souls to torture in sadomasochistic experiments. Pinhead is the leader of the Cenobites and the face of the franchise.

The first film was released in 1987 and spawned nine sequels, the most recent of which was released last year. However, despite the longevity of the franchise, the films vary in quality and, after the fourth film, every sequel was released straight-to-home video. Scott Derrickson himself directed the first film to be released direct-to-video -- Hellraiser: Inferno, which came out in 2000.

However, it sounds like the franchise could be making a comeback. Earlier this year, it was reported that Blumhouse -- the extremely successful horror film studio -- was interested in making a new Hellraiser film. Now we've got this tweet from Scott Derrickson seemingly teasing his involvement in said film.

Scott Derrickson didn't make any sort of announcement to go with the social media post, but it's doubtful he would just randomly share the picture if he didn't have something in the works. While Derrickson is maybe best known as the director of Doctor Strange, he's directed plenty of horror films like Sinister and The Exorcism of Emily Rose.

Scott Derrickson knows how to get scary and he seems like a good fit to continue with the Hellraiser franchise. Plus, I'm sure that fans of the series are eager to see a real high-quality theatrical release.

Assuming that Scott Derrickson is directing a new Hellraiser, one would assume that this would come after Doctor Strange 2. While not officially confirmed, it's long been rumored that Doctor Strange 2 is in the works with Derrickson back in the director's chair. Without either film actually being confirmed, it's tough to guess what Derrickson's schedule would look like.

Either way, a new Helllraiser might be in-bound. Get a blast from the past with the trailer for the very first film in the series.

Make sure to stick with CinemaBlend and we'll keep you updated on all the latest movie news as soon as it becomes available to us. For everything that is definitely coming to theaters this year, be sure to check out our handy 2019 movie release guide.

The Original 6 Avengers’ Most Defining Scenes In the MCU

The Original 6 Avengers’ Most Defining Scenes In the MCU
Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark in Iron Man

We’re in the endgame now. The Avengers movie we’ve been awaiting, theorizing about, obsessing over and anticipating more than any other movie for quite some time is finally coming to theaters this week. Avengers: Endgame has been marketed as the culmination of over a decade of Marvel films revolving around the core six who kicked this whole thing off. The original six Avengers also just happen to be some of the few heroes left after Thanos’ snap.

Since it's distinctly possible we’ll be saying some goodbyes to the heroes at the center of this franchise phenomenon, let’s take a trip down memory lane to the moments in the MCU that were instrumental in defining the climax we’ll soon be witnessing. Avengers Assemble!

I Am Iron Man

Iron Man kicked off the MCU back in 2008 with an unforgettable bang from Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark when he broke the superhero cardinal rule: announcing your identity… oh, and on live television. It was already a different kind of origin story about a billionaire playboy’s journey into creating his own tech to undo the damage his weapons company had created. The final moment of the film showed the new Marvel universe wouldn’t be playing the same game as Superman or Batman and making a mark of its own.

I Told You, I Don’t Want To Join Your Super Secret Boyband

After Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury makes his first appearance during the post-credit scene for Iron Man, the Avengers ringleader came back for the sequel to give Tony Stark a bit of an intervention on his recklessness midway through the film. He brings along Black Widow too on her first ever appearance in the MCU. It’s a funny scene that has Fury calling Stark out for what he’s doing wrong and helping him out on his hero work. While Stark is great at playing it off, he probably needed a dose of S.H.I.E.L.D. on his side at that moment before he had the Avengers.

If He Be Worthy

Chris Hemsworth’s Thor has certainly come a long way since having bleached eyebrows and Natalie Portman’s Jane on his arm in his 2011 origin story. The quirky action flick introduced audiences to the complicated relationship between brothers Thor and Loki, culminating in the scene where Thor stands up to his brother (who's controlling The Destroyer) by sacrificing himself in order to save the people on Earth. While he takes a pretty bad hit, it earns him the right to his iconic hammer from Odin. At the same time, it angers Loki further which later kicks off the events of The Avengers.

Peggy, I’m Gonna Need A Raincheck On That Dance

This scene gets me every. single. time. It’s the moment when Cap must force down the plane in order to save everyone while on the line with Peggy Carter. It’s also the scene that signals Steve Rogers’ ultimate sacrifice to become a hero, which he ends up needing to live with nearly 70 years later when he is dug out of some ice. As Cap’s journey continues, the past that could have been haunts him and his relationship with Peggy is an important one (even alluded to in an Endgame trailer).

I’m In The Middle Of An Interrogation

It’s crazy to imagine that just a few years ago in 2012, a showcase of female badassery such as Black Widow’s at the beginning of The Avengers was something new to be introduced on screen. Since we have Rey in Star Wars, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel and so on, but I distinctly remember the way Scarlett Johansson lights up this scene in particular feeling special. It was the start of an era for action flicks and this defining scene was certainly part of it. From her snark and the skilled choreography, this is the moment when we were all sold on Black Widow.

That’s My Secret Cap, I’m Always Angry

Aside from the snap, this might just be the most iconic moment in the MCU to date. As Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye deal with the chaos attacking New York, Bruce Banner later rides up on a motorcycle to help. While the character’s fear of losing control to the “other guy” is brought up throughout the film, here he embraces it with the above line and completes the Avengers team once he Hulks out. That iconic shot of the six of them in a circle taking on the alien army showed the power of the MCU as the team was successfully brought together.

I’m Not Going To Fight You, You’re My Friend

Skipping to Captain America: Winter Soldier, Steve Rogers grapples with his past in a big way when he ends up in a showdown fight with his ol’ pal Bucky (a.k.a. Winter Soldier) in the finale of the film. A brainwashed Bucky is beating Cap up real good, but he refuses to fight with his best friend, even trying to jog his memory to help him remember. It’s a clever work of irony that the one piece of his past he can have is the person who he is at odds with. While the relationship between them never seem to feel like the ‘40s, an ounce of Bucky does come through when he saves Cap from drowning.

Did You Bring Auntie Nat?

The MCU has always struggled a bit to give Hawkeye a story arc for the audience to care about, especially when he wasn’t given a movie of his own prior and his abilities are objectively less impressive than his fellow members. Avengers: Age of Ultron helped turned that around when it was revealed that Hawkeye has a family of his own living out somewhere in a safehouse set up by Fury. His wife (Linda Cardellini) and kids surprise the other Avengers when they turn up to the house and Natasha has a cute banter with them. The scene helped to humanize Clint and get us more interested in his double life.

We’re Still Friends, Right?

Fans were divided into Team Cap and Team Iron Man in the event film Captain America: Civil War that had a bit of the old and new team of heroes fighting against each other based on principle. It will be hard to soon forget the airport battle that had Spider-Man, Ant-Man and Black Panther being featured in the mix, along with most of the original Avengers punching it out in a dynamic we’re not used to. Black Widow and Hawkeye going head-to-head was really fun, along with Cap and Spidey, but when Rhodey got hurt, it took a turn for the serious.

I Can Do This All Day

Civil War went for another unexpected match-up of hero versus hero when Iron Man and Captain America ended up getting into a heated fist fight over what should be done with Bucky, who is revealed to be the killer of Stark’s parents, but is still Cap’s old bestie. It was a heartbreaking moment to watch as the heroes who once worked side-by-side were violently going at each other until Cap pins Iron Man on the floor and walks away with Bucky as he yells “That shield doesn’t belong to you. You don’t deserve it. My father made that shield.”

Are You Thor? The God of Hammers?

After Thor: Ragnarok delivered a completely different (and welcome) side of Odinson thanks to Taika Waititi’s direction, the third Thor film also upgraded his powers as well to someone much more powerful than a big hunk with a hammer. After Hela rips out his eye and looks to be doing quite well for herself in taking over Asgard, Thor is able to see a vision of his father, who tells him that the hammer isn’t the source of his power, but a way to wield it. To “Immigrant Song,” Thor comes out with this thunderous powers and with some help from Hulk and the gang, takes down her army. His newfound powers come in handy for Thanos, but aren't quite enough…

You Should Have Gone For The Head

This scene brings us up to speed to the jaw-dropping events of Infinity War where the Avengers actually fail to stop Thanos from possessing all the Infinity Stones and wiping out half of all life in the universe. The scene when the core Avengers have to watch as heroes all around them turn to dust and they are powerless to stop it is truly one we won’t soon forget, especially since it’s so untypical for them to not save the day. The ending was a complete shock at the end of the movie, especially when they were so close to victory. It showed the Avengers are flawed and not at a place of unity.

What’s next for the Avengers? We’ll know soon when Endgame hits theaters on April 26. What are your favorite moments in the MCU so far? Let us know in the comments below!

New Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Image Reveals How Massive The Land Is

New Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Image Reveals How Massive The Land Is
The Millennium Falcon at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge

Disney told us from the very beginning that Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge was going to be the single largest land expansion in the history of Disneyland when it was finally here. However, Disney Parks are already so massive that it's difficult to get an idea of exactly what that means. Just how big is Galaxy's Edge?

While the land doesn't open to the general public (or more specifically, those with reservations) for a little over a week, Galaxy's Edge has been giving sneak peeks to some including press members recently, and it recently held a cast member event in the space. From that event has come one of the few official photos of the new land that has been released, that includes 1400 people surrounding the Millennium Falcon. Check it out.

While there's certainly a lot of people in this photo, the fact is that Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge is so much more than what you see in the picture, that it's going to clearly be able to hold an insane number of people due to its size. The other major E-ticket attraction, Rise of the Resistance, though it won't be open on May 31 with the rest of the land, isn't even visible in this picture. That means there's a lot of space left empty that thousands more people will be able to inhabit.

The picture, posted on Instagram by Disneyland President Josh D'Amaro, also shows just how big the Millennium Falcon actually is. For many, simply standing in the presence of a full sized replica of the iconic ship will be the ultimate Star Wars experience.

One can certainly imagine an aerial photo of Galaxy's Edge looking this packed most of the time if Disneyland actually lets enough people into the new land. Of course, it's not clear at this point exactly how many people will actually be getting to Galaxy's Edge when it opens.

Getting access to Galaxy's Edge for the first three weeks will require a reservation. All of the reservations made available to the general public in that time are already gone. The only way to be able to visit the planet of Batuu now is to book a reservation at a Disneyland Resort hotel, for which rooms are still available even now.

After the first three weeks, access to Galaxy's Edge will be handled through a digital queue system where guests will be notified on their smartphone when they can visit the land. One assumes this process will last until the crowds die down to a level where people will be able to enter and exit at their leisure, although, considering how popular the new land is going to be, it could be quite some time before that happens.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge opens at Disneyland May 31 and an identical land will open at Disney's Hollywood Studios in Walt Disney World August 29. A second phase including the second E-ticket attraction, Rise of the Resistance will open at an as yet undisclosed time in both parks later this year.

6 Most Powerful Moments From The New Avengers Endgame Trailer

6 Most Powerful Moments From The New Avengers Endgame Trailer
Black Widow Avengers: Endgame

Another trailer for Avengers: Endgame has arrived out of nowhere, and it's loaded with some footage fans are just now seeing for the first time. While some of it was a bit spoilery (but not really if you've been following the news cycle), it was okay because there were some really powerful moments throughout. These moments really set the tone for how epic the Phase 3 capper will be, and somehow, elevate the already high expectations of fans. Let's go over what was shown.

Black Widow Comforting Hawkeye/Ronin

Clint Barton was absent in Avengers: Infinity War and seemed to be enjoying his life out in the country with his family. Clint is seen showing his daughter archery, and then we wipe to him looking broken and sad in some Asian country in the present. He's hurting, and it's not just evident on his face, it's evident on Black Widow's as well. Natasha sees her longtime S.H.I.E.L.D. comrade is hurting,and holds his hand.

It's that kind of pure moment between them that gives a subtle reminder that these people are more than heroes. They're friends, and they've been brought even closer by this devastating event that surely has all of them hurting. It's a safe assumption there will be a lot of that type of camaraderie as the movie continues, as each Avenger bonds and fights their hardest to honor the ones they've lost.

Thor Charging Up

Thor missed his chance to defeat Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, and that mistake resulted in half of the universe being wiped out. Thor probably recognizes that, but he doesn't look to be sulking in this trailer. Far from it actually, as he's looking like a man on a mission as he's gathering lightning either to charge up for some attack or to power some device.

Thor looks at Stormbreaker shortly after this scene, which could mean a couple things. It could be used for some crazy lightning attack, or perhaps that's his way of teleporting between locations. Chances are fast travel will be a necessity during this high-risk mission, and he's one of the few people capable of it besides Captain Marvel. If someone needs to get somewhere fast, expect him to provide transport.

Nebula Charging Into Battle

Nebula had about the worst time of anyone in Avengers: Infinity War, at least among those who are still living in Avengers: Endgame. Now, she's reconstructed, off that ship she was stranded on with Tony and ready to help the Avengers in their fight against Thanos. Whoever she's running towards in this trailer is surely in for a bad time because she looks pissed.

It's a type of rage I'd like to think she's reserving for her father, regardless of his current power status. Thanos admitted to Gamora in the previous movie that Nebula very nearly killed him, which is surprising given those who've have failed before. Perhaps she knows something the rest of the team doesn't and will attempt to exploit that weakness again in a rematch? Provided she gets one, of course, because it's very possible this war charge is directed towards someone else.

Cap's Grimace

Captain America looks mostly composed throughout the Avengers: Endgame trailer, all except one scene in which he's seen strapping into his old shield. Cap tightens the strap and seems to react with a rather painful grimace which signifies he's in some pain. The trailer makes it appear it's related to the arm, which could be broken. Had he put that shield on a bit sooner, that may not have happened!

If there's a positive to this scene, it appears as though someone scooped up Steve's shield after he dramatically dropped it to the ground following Captain America: Civil War. My personal hope is that Tony saved it, hoping to return it to his friend after telling him he didn't deserve to carry the shield. Hopefully these two manage to get on better terms before the action really kicks off, and we get a heartwarming moment peppered in between the ass-kicking.

Rhodey And Rocket

Well, here are two characters no one really expected to team up. It's not that there's any reason to think Rocket Raccoon and War Machine wouldn't make a great dynamic duo, but like, how did this come about? If I had to guess, Rocket's probably drawn to Rhodey's impressive weapons array on the suit, and may even have a few upgrade suggestions he could provide for him.

Another thing worth mentioning here is that Rocket is wearing the same outfit he's usually seen with in the comics. That doesn't really make this moment anymore powerful, but the fact he has a look on his face that makes it look like they're about to rain hell on somebody definitely does. Hopefully these two wreak havok on whoever they're targeting and we get three spinoff films after this titled Rhodey and Rocket.

The Team Walk

We've seen edited and different iterations of The Avengers' team walk in previous Endgame trailers, but this was the first time we witnessed the scene in this way. Everyone's rocking new suits, they look determined and have that cool swagger that only really comes through in slow motion. Who can look at this scene and say anything other than "Hell yeah" after watching?

It gets even better, as it's entirely possible this isn't the final version of the Avengers: Endgame scene. It seems very likely at this point that Marvel is intentionally excluding one more character from the epic walkthrough,, although I'm thinking Hulk or Okoye are reasonable candidates. We'll keep those looking to avoid spoilers free from exactly who that may be, but suffice to say it's going to elevate that scene just a bit more. Now if we just knew where they were walking to!

The mystery behind all these questions will soon be revealed as Avengers: Endgame is due out in theaters April 26. CinemaBlend is the place for movie lovers to be before and after its premiere, as well have plenty of reactions, news, and analysis following the movie. For more on the MCU, check out our breakdown of the places the Tesseract has been since this all kicked off.

This Rotten Week: Predicting Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Ma and Rocketman Reviews

This Rotten Week: Predicting Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Ma and Rocketman Reviews
godzilla: king of the monsters roar

Man (or kaiju), there is quite a bit to look forward to with this week’s run of movies. It’s got big ol' monsters, a suburban teen horror and a biopic about one of the greatest living entertainers. Get ready for Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Ma and Rocketman.

Just remember, I'm not reviewing these movies, but rather predicting where they'll end up on the Tomatometer. Let's take a look at what This Rotten Week has to offer.

Watching the Godzilla: King of the Monsters trailer, which shows off some of the large-scale fighting sequences between the ancient monsters who’ve come to life on Earth, it’s tough to imagine there’s any planet left for survivors to live on when the credits start to roll. It sure looks like every little speck of everything is wiped out except for, of course, the key human characters who help drive the plot line. Millie Bobby Brown and Vera Farmiga's characters mostly look fine, but everything else gets annihilated.

This is the third movie in this particular Monster-verse franchise, following Godzilla (75%) and Kong: Skull Island (75%). King of the Monsters will unleash a whole host of “new” creatures on the world, like Mothra and Ghidorah, with Godzilla called back out to fight them off. These movies mix somewhat tongue-in-cheek stylings with somewhat grounded reimaginings, and this one doesn’t look any different. The trailer looks enjoyably ridiculous, and that might not be the worst thing when it comes to the critics if they feel like they're in on the perceived joke.

In Ma, a group of high schoolers seem to stumble upon a Shangri-La-Like drinking environment when they start partying in the basement of some old woman who once bought them liquor. That sounds like a pitch for a teen comedy, but the darkness comes when the woman (the titular Ma) ends up being a total psycho apparently hellbent on taking revenge on the kids of those who mistreated her back in her own high school days. If the binge-drinking doesn't kill those teens, something will.

I like how director Tate Taylor thought to himself, you know who would be perfect as a psychotic, manipulative, borderline serial killer of teenagers? Octavia Spencer! He worked with her before, of course, having directed her in both The Help (80%) and Get on Up (76%), while also helming Girl on the Train (45%). Her latest character looks downright freaky, though I’m a bit torn on how critics will receive a story about kids getting worked over this way by a batshit crazy lady. Random thrillers aren't usually kind to Hollywood's elite, as seen by Dennis Quaid's The Intruder (30%).

The musical biopic is all the rage right now. We are fresh off the Queen-ly waves made by the Freddie Mercury-inspired Bohemian Rhapsody, which earned Rami Malek a Best Actor Oscar a few months ago. Now we get a look into the early years of Taron Egerton's Elton John as he goes from a struggling and shy kid to the flamboyant, eccentric, and world-renowned musical phenom that we know him as today.

Unlike the aforementioned Bohemian Rhapsody (61%), which left critics feeling somewhat meh with its retelling of Mercury’s life, Rocketman has come out of the gate quite strong. It’s sitting at 88% through 80 reviews, with critics praising the style, tone and performances from the leads. Taron Egerton plays Elton after starring in the Kingsman (74%, 52%) movies and voicing Johnny in Sing. He also worked with director Dexter Fletcher on Eddie the Eagle, and this latest looks like a complete hit that doesn't seem to suffer some of the more negative critiques facing more sanitized biopics of late.

Recapping last week:

We went two for three with the predictions last week, and it's been a relatively impressive run in the short-term. Aladdin (Predicted: 57% Actual: 58%) was a near direct hit, missing by only a percentage point while keeping Will Smith’s *Rotten” streak alive. He hasn’t had a positively reviewed movie earning a "Fresh" Tomatometer score in seven years now, though this one at least came close.

As the score would indicate, critics were rather mixed on the final result for the live-action remake of the Disney classic. Smith had some rather large shoes to fill, considering what Robin Williams did with just the voice role in the original. It landed for some critics but not others ,and the range of complaints and compliments varied.

I had a head start with Booksmart (Predicted: 99% Actual: 97%), since a number of reviews were in already up at the time of post. The drama was sitting at 100% through the first 50 or so reviews, and dropped only a few percentage points over the course of the next week. This will now go down as one of the best-rated wide releases of the year and it likely enters the discussion for the short list of all-time great high school, one-nighter movies.

Finally, Brightburn (Predicted: 37% Actual: 59%) was a mighty miss. Though technically rotten on the Tomatometer, this comic-adjacent scored higher than I thought, with more than half the critics finding something to like about the twist on the superhero genre. Considering the film basically just went Bizarro Superman, but not so Bizarro to wow everyone, this score can probably be considered a win.

Next time around, we’ve got Dark Phoenix, Late Night and The Secret Life of Pets 2. It’s gonna be a Rotten Week!

Why Quentin Tarantino Turned The Hateful Eight Into A Miniseries For Netflix

Why Quentin Tarantino Turned The Hateful Eight Into A Miniseries For Netflix

Its been almost three and a half years since Quentin Tarantinos last movie, The Hateful Eight, was released in theaters. Like a lot of movies nowadays, its been available to stream now and then, and can currently be watched on Netflix.

However, it was announced a month ago that an extended version of The Hateful Eight would also be hitting Netflix in April, only rather than it being the Roadshow Cut that had a limited theatrical release, the story is instead told as a four-episode miniseries.

Now Quentin Tarantino has opened up about how The Hateful Eight miniseries came to be, revealing that Netflix approached him about adding extra footage into the original version of the movie so that it could be divided up as episodes. Tarantino thought this would be an intriguing creative endeavor and was willing to give it a shot. He recalled:

And so about a year after its released, maybe a little less, me and my editor, Fred Raskin, we got together and then we worked real hard. We edited the film down into 50 minute bits, and we very easily got four episodes out of it. We didnt re-edit the whole thing from scratch, but we did a whole lot of re-editing, and it plays differently. Some sequences are more similar than others compared to the film, but it has a different feeling. It has a different feeling that I actually really like a lot. And there was a literary aspect to the film anyway, so it definitely has this chapters unfolding quality.

Quentin Tarantino never felt the need to release The Hateful Eights Roadshow Cut because it was its own thing that was specifically intended for 70mm screenings. But with the miniseries, he found a compelling enough reason to revisit his creation and sprinkle in extra footage in a different way.

And speaking of extra footage, Quentin Tarantino also commented on the inaccurate and frustrating claim online that theres no new content in The Hateful Eight miniseries. Continuing in his interview with Slashfilm, he noted that theres approximately 25 minutes of additional material in the miniseries, and that results in certain sequences playing very different.

The director provided an example for how The Hateful Eight miniseries flows differently from the original movie, saying:

Well, the way its in the [original] movie is, instead of me saying, But then when John Ruth and Daisy arrived, thats when we cut out of that sequence, and go back.What were able to do in this version, is John Ruth and Daisy now enter the place, and you see the entire sequence again. John Ruth and Daisy enter Minnies Haberdashery, except now its not told from John Ruth and Daisys perspective. Its told from the killers perspectiveWe know what theyve done, and we know how they set up, and we know Daisy knows who they areSo we see how Tim Roth and how Michael Madsen and how Daisy are reacting to each other, while John Ruth is oblivious.

Its up to the individual viewer to decide whether The Hateful Eight miniseries is superior or inferior to the movie, but at least Quentin Tarantino enthusiasts now have the opportunity to compare the two versions. And since Tarantino put this miniseries together at Netflixs request, that almost certainly means the streaming service will be its exclusive home, as opposed to also being made available on Blu-ray.

The Hateful Eight, which took place a little over a decade after the American Civil War and followed eight strangers who were stuck together in a cabin during a blizzard, featured an ensemble cast that included Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Demian Bichir, Walton Goggins, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen and Bruce Dern. Although it only made over $155 million worldwide, it collected numerous accolades, including one Oscar win and two nominations.

Quentin Tarantinos next movie, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, opens in theaters on July 26. If youre curious about what other movies are opening later this year, head to our 2019 release schedule.

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