Hotel Mumbai Wants To Leave Its Audience With A Message

Hotel Mumbai Wants To Leave Its Audience With A Message
Hotel Mumbai Dev Patel looks out a window with a concerned face

In the wake of tragedies like the one that took place at the Taj Hotel in 2008, people start to ask questions surrounding the aftermath of such an event. The same is true for when people see those incidents depicted on film, much as Hotel Mumbai takes that very terrorist attack and commits it to the silver screen. The one question that tends to unite the two subjects is, of course, what can be learned through such atrocities, be it through their direct examination or their cinematic dissection. In that same spirit, I asked co-writer/director Anthony Maras what he wanted audiences to take away from his film, and he explained to CinemaBlend:

The one thing I think that’s important to try and get across to audiences is this idea that even in the darkest of times, we can find a common humanity that can get us through. Again, when you have people from all these different backgrounds coming together to survive, and find a common humanity, I think is important.

This question was among others CinemaBlend had asked him during the recent press day for Hotel Mumbai's theatrical release. In the case of Maras, the film's ultimate purpose is to show that even in the darkest of times, the recurring theme of common humanity mustn't be forgotten. While there were those who perpetrated such heinous acts on that fateful day in November 2008, there was also a heroic compliment of staff members at the Taj Hotel, as well as a number of guests, who banded together and worked to survive the unthinkable together.

Naturally, no matter how much a person can understand the survival instinct of the victims depicted in Hotel Mumbai, there's also another key component of the equation to understand: The actions of those who committed said acts. This is what one of the film's stars, Dev Patel, discussed with us. When asked to provide what he felt the film's big takeaway, he offered this:

I feel we’re in a society now where everything is so temporary, so fleeting. You know, you can read something or watch something on the news that is so horrific, and then maybe you might go to the extent of texting a friend about it. Then you’ll go, ‘alright, back to my breakfast then.’ To create a movie like this, and to make people actually simmer in a situation, actually force them to really be in it, and understand it, the nuts and bolts of the situation. To understand the sheer suffering that people went through, to see the blank look in those young teenagers’ eyes, wielding those AK-47s. It’s really important, I think, at the pace things are going at today.

What Patel describes above is certainly one of the reasons why Hotel Mumbai works as well as it does. Rather than just focusing on one particular side or facet of participants, the film takes a more robust look at both sides of the action. While we obviously see the hostages trying to survive throughout various parts of the hotel, we do also see those who carry out the acts of terrorism coming into Mumbai.

The film shows their ultimate motivation, as these young men take their actions as holy charges set upon them by their overseer; a man who encourages them to keep him on the phone so he can hear the screams and carnage take place. Digging into that portion of the subject a little deeper, Dev Patel, who also serves as an executive producer on Hotel Mumbai, had the following remarks to offer:

To put a microscope to those sorts of situations, because they once probably were a rarity, and now they’re not. It’s sad to say, but it feels like it’s a trend. And solving it is not gonna be getting more guns, it’s by understanding that the root of the cancer. We need education and things like that. I really hope that films like this can do that by shaking people from their core, electrifying them into action and discussion.

At its best, films can help educate the world and instill a sense of empathy for victims of historical events such as the attack on the Taj Hotel. It was with that intent that Anthony Maras and Dev Patel set off to make Hotel Mumbai the admirable film that it is, and it testifies to the power of understanding both sides of history when discussing such events. By feeling and processing this infamous series of events, people can begin to truly work through their recurrence, in hopes that one day it won't ever have to happen again. You can hear such a message resonate in the tones of both Maras and Patel's voices, as they speak through the video provided from our interviews below:

Hotel Mumbai opens in theaters on Friday.

Shazam! Reviews Are In, Here's What Critics Are Saying

Shazam! Reviews Are In, Here's What Critics Are Saying
Zachary Levi as Shazam! DC

Charge up your weekend with the power of fresh Shazam! reviews. Critics are now free to move about the internet cabin, posting their full thoughts on DC's latest movie. Previous to this point, we saw some positive soundbite reactions on social media, but this is where you get the full context -- and often some scores/grades.

CinemaBlend's Sean O'Connell gave the film 4 out of 5 stars. He raved about the casting of Zachary Levi as Shazam! but did mention the smaller scale compared to past DCEU movies, including lower stakes with Shazam!'s villain, Dr. Thaddeus Sivana (Mark Strong):

Like Aquaman and Wonder Woman before it, Shazam! benefits tremendously from being allowed to operate outside of the DC Universe, while also acknowledging that it exists alongside movies like Man of Steel and Justice League. In comparison to those efforts, however, Shazam! can actually feel small. The stakes of the plot are relatively low, with Sivana being a threat to our hero but less of a danger to the world at large. Where Aquaman was intentionally epic in scope, Shazam! always maintains the feel of a neighborhood story, for better and for worse.

IGN's Jim Vejvoda noted that Wonder Woman and Aquaman bore the heavy weight of expectations, which was not a burden Shazam! had to carry. So it was able to be as carefree as a child and just have fun:

Shazam! is a DC’s most joyful and sweet movie since the days of Christopher Reeve’s Superman, a funny yet earnest coming-of-age story about a boy who learns that, well, with great power comes great responsibility. So obviously, Shazam! doesn’t reinvent the superhero movie, but it’s an undeniably fun time that left me wanting more big-screen adventures with these charming characters.

USA Today's Brian Truitt said Shazam! was probably the closest DC film yet to one of Marvel's projects, complete with a Spider-Man-esque lesson on "with great power comes great responsibility":

But, really, the high-flying showdowns and the holiday-themed action-packed finale (which is highly satisfying, though it goes on a bit too long) are secondary. "Shazam!” works because of its emphasis on friendship and family: Mrs. Vasquez has a bumper sticker that reads “I’m a foster mom: What’s your superpower?” that sums up the film's overall warm-hug vibe.

Hugh Armitage of DigitalSpy gave Shazam! four out of five stars, calling the "delightful" film DC's slickest and funniest movie yet. However, he echoed the note that the finale goes on a bit too long:

Best known for his horror movies, director David F Sandberg nevertheless brings flawless comic timing to Shazam!, while the movie also delivers a likeable message about the value of family, friendship and teamwork. Our greatest criticism is that the finale drags on longer than it needs to, but Shazam! is so much fun that it's a minor complaint.

Hoai-Tran Bui of /FILM gave Shazam! 8.5 stars out of 10, echoing the pacing issues, but also praising the pleasant surprise that Shazam! is more like a kid adventure than a superhero origin movie:

A raucous, charming kid adventure that is a delight to behold from start to finish, Shazam! feels like a throwback both to ’80s comedies and to the superhero movies of the early 2000s, with abundant callbacks to both genres. But rather than playing like an appeal to nostalgia, Shazam! is more of a spiritual throwback that captures the sincerity and silliness inherent in the superhero genre, while delivering a heartfelt story about the power of found families.

Lindsey Bahr of the Associated Press gave the movie 3.5/4 stars, pointing out some of the flaws while emphasizing that they don't detract from the overall experience:

OK, so it’s basically Big with superheroes and villains instead of businesspeople and girlfriends, but director David F. Sandberg has infused his film with so much heart and charm that it hardly matters. Even the deficiencies, like the sluggish beginning and the random, ridiculous villains, fade away under a haze of goodwill because unlike so many big spectacle action pics with sequels in mind, Shazam! actually sticks the landing.

Todd Gilchrist of Birth.Movies.Death was more critical, saying DC's movie needed more adult guidance:

Conversely, I’m not sure if Shazam! is the exact superhero movie that a kid would make for him or herself, or it’s a perfect encapsulation of studio groupthink trying to anticipate what that imaginary kid wants. Unfocused, noisy and way, way too chatty, director David Sandberg’s adaptation of the DC character supplies plenty of routine superhero theatrics and “when I grow up” wish fulfillment, but its eagerness to explore the notion of family at the expense of real character development - and the seeming absence of adult guidance both on and off screen - delivers far too little in the way of true inspiration.

However, he also wrote it was almost disappointing that Shazam! won’t be crossing over with Justice League in the near future, since the character brings a childlike sense of wonder and fun to the DCEU.

Overall, the reviews still sound quite positive. Since the embargo for Shazam! just dropped, we'll have to wait a bit to see the full picture on Rotten Tomatoes, but it's currently at 97% from 32 reviews. The CinemaScore from moviegoers won't show up until opening night.

In terms of how much Shazam! might make after its April 5 opening? Well, you know projections are often wrong. Many thought Captain Marvel was going to open to "only" $100 million and it made a lot more than that on its way toward The Billion Dollar Club.

At this point, early tracking suggests Shazam! will open anywhere from $40 million to $50 million in the first weekend of April. It's not expected to reach the lofty heights of the DCEU's Aquaman, but the reviews have been positive and it looks like a good time. What more do you want? Besides a lot of money so they can justify more movies?

Shazam! opens in theaters April 5 as one of the many movies heading to the big screen that month, and in the rest of 2019.

Matthew Vaughn Warns Kingsman Fans That His Prequel Is Going To Be ‘Very, Very Different’

Matthew Vaughn Warns Kingsman Fans That His Prequel Is Going To Be ‘Very, Very Different’
Colin Firth and Taron Egerton

Spy franchises are a dime a dozen. There are the top dogs in James Bond and the Mission: Impossible series. There are the ones that poke their heads up every couple of years, like the Bourne series. But few of them are anything like the Kingsman series that was created by graphic artist Mark Millar (who wrote the comic The Secret Service) and Layer Cake director Matthew Vaughn.

Vaughn started working early on with Guy Ritchie, producing both Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels before beginning to direct his own films. He helmed a killer X-Men movie, produced a brilliant fantasy epic in Stardust, and has been busy lately producing Rocketman for his frequent collaborator, Taron Egerton.

At the same time, Matthew Vaughn has been dedicated to developing his Kingsman series, which has two chapters so far and will likely cap off its trilogy with \ between Eggsy (Taron Egerton) and Harry (Colin Firth). Before that happens, Vaughn is making a Kingsmen prequel set during World War I, and while appearing on the ReelBlend podcast, Vaughn talked about how different this new one will be from The Secret Service and The Golden Circle. Vaughn said:

When we came up with Kingsman sitting in that pub with Mark Miller seven years ago, it was very much a thing of two fanboys getting drunk, lamenting about what's happened to spy movies. And then the more I'd gotten involved in it, the more I just felt … was I planning a universe? No, but a universe sort of [developed]. It's been like the Big Bang, that all these other ideas are coming. I don’t know where they come from, but I'm excited. Because the prequel is so different. For me, it was a whole new muscle to go off and develop, and I hope the public likes it. I don't know. I mean, I'm very proud of it already. But it’s very, very different. So some people will -- the people who hated Kingsman would probably love it, and all the people who love Kingsman might go, ‘What the hell has he gone and done?’ But hopefully people will like it. … It's different in every which way but loose, apart from an ape.

The Kingsmen movies amplify what is expected from a James Bond movie, ratcheting up the sexual innuendos, the high-tech weaponry, and the comical villains. They do it all with a tongue planted firmly in a cheek, to the point where The Golden Circle concluded with robotic dogs programmed to kill Elton John. Yeah, it got kind of nuts.

So far, we know that the Kingsman prequel stars Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes as early versions of the legendary spies. They will be joined by an incredible ensemble, from Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Gemma Arterton to Charles Dance, Daniel Bruhl, Matthew Goode and Djimon Hounsou (to name just a few).

Because it’s set during World War I, that automatically makes this movie different from the two existing Kingsmen movies. When we pushed him for more details, he just emphasized how “different” this is going to be.

From there, Matthew Vaughn expects to head back to his existing Kingsmen timeline with Taron Egerton and Colin Firth, because as he tells CinemaBlend:

The thing about Kingsman, it's like any film. It always comes down to heart and the relationship between two people. Eggsy and Harry’s relationship needs to be concluded. It’s been set up for… the end of the last one was, you know, they've been sort of torn apart due to marriage. And now it’s their last hurrah together and then we'll see what happens.

That’s a great tease. You can listen to our entire conversation with Matthew Vaughn about Rocketman, the X-Men, the Kingsmen franchise, and more on the latest ReelBlend episode:

Rocketman is in theaters as we speak, while Matthew Vaughn’s Kingsman prequel is expected to reach multiplexes on February 14.

First Look At Piglet, Eeyore And Tigger In Christopher Robin

First Look At Piglet, Eeyore And Tigger In Christopher Robin

Back in early March, tears were shed, hearts were melted and childhood memories were brought to mind when the first trailer for Disney's Christopher Robin debuted. The emotional gut punch came at the end of the trailer when we got a glimpse of Winnie the Pooh and heard Jim Cummings' iconic voice. The silly old bear was the only resident of the Hundred Acre Wood to make an appearance so we've been eagerly anticipating a look at our other childhood favorites. Now we have one as some official images have dropped, giving us our first glimpses of Piglet, Eeyore and Tigger. Check it out:

Based on how Pooh looked in the teaser trailer, this is about what I expected, and all the characters look exactly how they should. Seeing the residents of the Hundred Acre Wood all sunbathing with shades on is really cute. I like that Piglet gets his scarf, and I'm hoping there is a bow on Eeyore's tail even though we can't see it. This is one of those movies where images don't tell you much about how something will look onscreen and you really need to see them in motion, especially since they are stuffed animals. But if the magic of teaser trailer is indicative of the whole film, we don't have anything to worry about and Piglet, Eeyore and Tigger (and hopefully some other favorites) will look just as good as Pooh when they are brought to life.

What's so interesting about this approach is that when this movie was announced, I imagined that these characters would look far more cartoony and not like stuffed animals come to life. This aesthetic allows for Pooh and friends to have their classic Disney looks while retaining their stuffed animal origins and fitting the time period. Looking at the characters sunbathing, it basically just looks like four stuffed animals dressed up and that is the point as this is actually part of the story. We are essentially seeing stuffed animals, because that's what they are, and obviously they are not 'alive' in this shot.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the film finds a grown up Christopher Robin who thinks he's losing his mind when Pooh & Co. come back into his life. Everyone else can see them, but they just see stuffed animals whereas he sees them as alive, with some sort of magic at work. So it sounds like this isn't a Toy Story situation where they play dead when people other than Christopher Robin are around. This makes it seem like even when they are moving and talking, he is the only one who can see it. I can imagine that would make a person and those around them think they are going mad. That could get dark if it was all in Christopher Robin's head, but I'm chalking it up to the idea that he is connected with his inner child and can only see the truth because of that. Sort of like Peter Pan in Hook, except for it isn't make believe, it's real.

Christopher Robin hits theaters and your brain's nostalgia center on August 3rd. Check out our guide to see all of Disney's Upcoming Live-Action Remakes and for all the most wonderful things about Tiggers, stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

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Captain Marvel Directors Agree Carol Should Team Up With This MCU Character

Captain Marvel Directors Agree Carol Should Team Up With This MCU Character
Brie Larson Carol Danvers Captain Marvel MCU

After debuting in her solo movie, Captain Marvel finally got to meet the rest of the MCU in Avengers: Endgame. While she ultimately didn't have a very large part, fans were still happy to see Carol with the Avengers. However, there's one character above all others that fans really want Carol to team up with, and that's Valkyrie. The paring is popular on the internet and the directors of Captain Marvel, Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, told CinemaBlend they'd love to see the two heroes team up some day.

While Captain Marvel made a very large billion dollar-sized first impression, Valkyrie made her debut in Thor: Ragnarok. Played by Tessa Thompson, Valkyrie quickly became a fan favorite character. Seeing as they are two of the most physically strong female characters, it's no wonder fans want to see a team-up.

Stars Brie Larson and Tessa Thompson have also been cheering for a team up between their characters. So when CinemaBlend's own Eric Eisenberg asked Captain Marvel co-directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck which character they'd like to see Carol team with in the future, they went for the obvious choice.

Ryan Fleck: There's been a lot of... look, I have no idea what the plans are for the future. But the speculation online about Carol and Valkyrie teaming up, I think, is a pretty cool, pretty cool idea.

Anna Boden: She's one of my favorite women of Marvel.

Part of the joy of the MCU is pairing wildly different personalities together and seeing what sticks. It's how we got grade-A team ups like Thor and Rocket or Tony Stark and Doctor Strange. While only a handful of people know what the future of the MCU looks like, there's every possibility that Captain Marvel and Valkyrie will cross paths one day.

While Captain Marvel and Valkyrie would kick a lot of butt together, one hope for the pairing is romantic. There's no love interest in Captain Marvel, and some fans have identified queer themes in the film. While Carol's sexuality has yet to be addressed in the MCU, this is the internet, and it didn't take long for people to start pairing Carol up with Valkyrie, who was almost confirmed to be bisexual in Thor: Ragnarok.

Whether that's a romantic pairing is anyone's guess at this point. Marvel has promised that more LGBTQ characters are on the way, with rumors circulating that the first openly gay character will appear in The Eternals.

The future is a little unclear for these two characters, as Marvel Studios has yet to make any official announcement on its Phase 4 slate of films. However, you better believe that news will be coming soon, so stick right here at CinemaBlend, and we'll be sure to keep you updated with new information as soon as it becomes available.

Charlie Says Trailer Debuts Matt Smith's Charles Manson

Charlie Says Trailer Debuts Matt Smith's Charles Manson

Is Matt Smith in Star Wars: Episode IX or isn’t he? I suppose we’ll have to wait until that film’s first trailer or its December release to know for sure, but in the meantime, the former Doctor Who star will definitely be showing up in Charlie Says, where he plays someone who unquestionably belongs to the dark side. Take a look below to see the trailer for Charlie Says and see the debut of Matt Smith’s Charles Manson.

Charles Manson doesn’t show up for almost a minute into this trailer, but his presence is felt from the start as we see some of what befell those who followed him into the darkness. When Matt Smith appears as the cult leader, he really looks the part: bearded, longhaired and charming, and along with Hannah Murray’s Leslie Van Houten, we see the appeal of what he’s selling and how he roped people in.

The kumbaya lovefest he is pitching bears quite the resemblance to Chris Hemsworth's character in Bad Times at the El Royale, so you can see from whom that film took its inspiration. That lovefest turns as the things Manson is saying begin to have seriously dark connotations. When Grace Van Dien’s Sharon Tate opens the door and Charles Manson is just standing there, Matt Smith, more known for his roles as good guys, gives off some seriously creepy vibes.

Matt Smith has a magnetic presence and that is crucial to this film that will explore both how Charles Manson convinced people to kill for him in the first place and the powerful hold he had on these women long after they were sent to prison for their crimes. He can’t just be a crazy creep, we have to be drawn in by the actor’s portrayal and see how he appealed to his followers and they wanted to believe in him.

The book The Long Prison Journey of Leslie van Houten: Life Beyond the Cult, written by Karlene Faith (here played by The Walking Dead’s Meritt Wever, serves as inspiration for Charlie Says. That gives this film an interesting perspective as it looks at these women who committed horrible crimes as victims themselves, who made excuses and rationalized their behavior as a result of Charles Manson’s manipulation and their loyalty to him.

We see that in this trailer, especially with Sosie Bacon's Patricia Krenwinkel clinging to something that captivated her not wanting to take responsibility or acknowledge the truth. Also, Hannah Murray looks to be giving quite the performance as Leslie Van Houten as she come to grips with the truth of what she did and who Charles Manson was years later.

Charlie Says comes from director Mary Harron who created one of the staples of the serial killer genre in American Psycho. Most recently Harron directed episodes of Netflix’s Alias Grace.

Since 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the Manson murders, Charlie Says is just one of the cinematic looks at the notorious crimes that both puzzle and fascinate to this day. Actress Hilary Duff stars in The Haunting of Sharon Tate, due out April 5, and the second season of Netflix’s Mindhunter will also feature Charles Manson. In an interesting twist, the actor starring as the cult leader in Mindhunter, Damon Herriman, will also play Manson in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

Charlie Says arrives in theaters on May 10 and on VOD a week later on May 17. Check out our 2019 release schedule to keep track of all the biggest movies headed your way this year.

Looks Like Indiana Jones 5 Has Switched Writers

Looks Like Indiana Jones 5 Has Switched Writers
Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones

While Lucasfilm has been very focused on Star Wars since Disney purchased the studio, it's never completely forgotten about its other big property, Indiana Jones. A fifth installment was rumored for years before finally being confirmed by Disney, but the fifth installment keeps getting delayed, and now one wonders if the release date may get pushed once again, as the project is now in the hands of yet another writer.

When Indiana Jones 5 was first confirmed, David Koepp, the screenwriter behind the previous Indy adventure Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, was brought on pen the script. Then, a little less than a year ago the word was that Solo: A Star Wars Story co-writer Jonathan Kasdan was taking a crack at the story.

Now, Making Star Wars is reporting that Dan Fogelman, the writer of This is Us as well as other Disney films like Tangled and Cars, has now been handed the script. It appears Fogelman is starting over from scratch and won't be building on any of the previous scripts.

It's unclear what the central focus of Fogelman's script is, or will be, though based on the fact that he's not using Jonathan Kasdan's idea, it seems there's one premise we know Indiana Jones 5 won't be about.

MSW reports Kasdan's script focused on the Wa?brzych Gold Train legend which claims that a train full of gold and valuables was buried by the Nazis in a series of mines in Poland.

Whatever the new writer brings to the table, there's clearly been something about the previous script attempts that has been lacking. On the one hand, it's good to know that everybody involved want to make sure they start this process with a good story. On the other hand, at some point one begins to wonder if Indiana Jones 5 is ever actually going to happen.

Currently Indiana Jones 5 has a release date set for July 9, 2021, but that date has been pushed back before as developments, like the previous change in writer, have forced things to be delayed. There's clearly still plenty of time to get a working script before Indiana Jones 5 would need to go into production, but that assumes that the new writer finds a working idea.

Harrison Ford will turn 77 years old later this year, which means he'll be nearly 80 by the time the new movie comes out if it makes its current date. The man is still in remarkable health and physical shape, there's no question about that, but at some point it will simply be too late to make this movie, and it really feels like we're coming quite close to that point.

Of course, we all want a new Indiana Jones movie. When they're good, they're some of the greatest adventures ever put on screen. Hopefully the new writer will be the key to solving the mystery of the script and Indiana Jones can get to solving a mystery of his own very soon.

New Godzilla: The King Of Monsters Video Provides Detailed Looks At All Of The Creatures

New Godzilla: The King Of Monsters Video Provides Detailed Looks At All Of The Creatures

While Godzilla is the only one to get his name in the title of the upcoming Godzilla: King of the Monsters, he will be far from the only creature taking center stage in the new film. There will be several other prehistoric beasts for him to take on and a new video gives us a closer look at all of them. Say hello to Rhodan, Ghidorah and Mothra in the clip below.

Images of massive global destruction from the three giant monsters are juxtaposed nicely with the quiet piano version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." That's not exactly where these creatures came from, but it's close enough. There are some great shots of each of them here, and it's nice to see the other monsters, who are nearly as popular with Godzilla fans as the big guy himself, get a moment to shine.

The new video gives us a quick and simple explanation for Godzilla: King of the Monsters in its one minute run time. The three beasts of Mothra, Rhodan, and Ghidorah are tearing a path of destruction through the planet, one that is believed will literally destroy the earth. The only hope that anyone believes they have is to use Godzilla to fight the rest of the monsters.

At the end of 2014's Godzilla the creature was last seen heading back out to sea after saving San Francisco from a pair of unidentified monsters. It seems that in between films humanity has somehow trapped Godzilla, likely in fear that the beast could just as easily destroy cities as save them. Either that, or has been trapped in some other way, perhaps by natural phenomena or the others monsters themselves. Either way, Godzilla needs to be set free and humans need to ally with him in order to save the world.

Luckily, we know from other pieces of information that we've learned about the film, there is a way for humanity to actually communicate with Godzilla, so this isn't going to be a case of just hoping everything works out. The human characters will be able to ask Godzilla really nicely if he wouldn't mind tearing these guys into pieces.

If there's one reason we go to see [Godzilla movies]( it's too see the giant creature fight some monsters and destroy some stuff. I felt that 2014's Godzilla was somewhat lacking in that regard. The action was solid when it happened, but there just wasn't enough of it. With four different monsters running all over the planet, it seems like that won't be an issue here. The only question might be how much of the world is left standing when it's over.

The one thing that we can be fairly sure of, however. Is that Godzilla will somehow survive the onslaught of these three titans. Godzilla vs Kong has a release date and everything so at least one of these creatures will remain standing.

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