Queen's Brian May Says He 'Hasn't Earned A Penny' For Bohemian Rhapsody

Queen's Brian May Says He 'Hasn't Earned A Penny' For Bohemian Rhapsody
Freddie Mercury and Brian May in Bohemian Rhapsody

In addition to the plethora of statues to its name, Bohemian Rhapsody was a box office success in a way that people could not have predicted, a phenomenon that ended its box office run at just over $900 million worldwide, making it the most successful music biopic ever and the 6th biggest film of 2018. On a budget of $52 million, you might think that kind of return would make many involved with the Freddie Mercury biopic filthy rich.

Alas, that may not have been entirely the case. In fact, contrary to earlier reports that Bohemian Rhapsody had made Queen richer than the Queen, the band’s lead guitarist Brian May has revealed that no such windfall from the film ever materialized. He said:

It’s incredible, it’s like a billion dollar movie. I had to laugh actually the other day. Because there’s this thing in the paper saying that we were getting rich off this movie. If they only knew. We were accounting the other day, and we still haven’t earned a penny. How successful does a movie need to be before you make money?

That is a bit of a bummer to hear, considering we know that Brian May and Queen were closely involved in the development of Bohemian Rhapsody for over a decade. Brian May and Roger Taylor both received Executive Music Producer credits on a film that went on to make close to a billion dollars, so you might expect them to reap some financial rewards on the backend.

However, as of now Brian May told Zoe Ball on BBC Radio 2’s The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show that he and Queen still haven’t ‘earned a penny’ from Bohemian Rhapsody. Without knowing the exact terms and nature of the band’s deal with the studio and the various parties involved, it’s impossible to say that Brian May and Queen are owed money for Bohemian Rhapsody.

Nevertheless, Brian May’s framing of the matter makes it seem like, given the success of the film, there was some expectation on Queen’s part there would be something extra coming their way. Brian May did allude to the fact that there are a lot of people who the film’s profits go to first, so maybe the money is still being divvied up and Queen’s checks are on the way.

Perhaps the stories about Queen’s getting rich off the film have less to do with liquidity and more to do with how the film increased the band’s wealth. Even if they haven’t made a cent off of Bohemian Rhapsody yet, the movie did a lot for Queen’s exposure and increased streams and sales of the band’s albums, also presumably driving interest for upcoming shows. Bohemian Rhapsody has more people listening to Queen’s music and that has to be good for the bottom line.

Although Queen allegedly isn’t directly profiting from the film yet, some people and entities are. Bohemian Rhapsody’s success did help 21st Century Fox’s financials in a big way. Also, reports have indicated Freddie Mercury’s longtime friend Mary Austin, portrayed by Lucy Boynton in the film, is expected to have earned $60+ million for the film and his sister Kashmira Bulsara reportedly earned $25 million. Even fired director Bryan Singer is expected to have walked away with $40 million for his efforts on the film.

Bohemian Rhapsody is now on home video. Check out our 2019 release schedule for all of this year’s biggest movies, including another music biopic, Rocketman, which star Taron Egerton is hoping makes even half of what Bohemian Rhapsody did.

How Robert Downey Jr. Felt Watching Spider-Man's Death In Infinity War

How Robert Downey Jr. Felt Watching Spider-Man's Death In Infinity War
Avengers: Infinity War Spider-Man fading into dust in front of Tony Stark

If you’re not a hunk of weeping personhood the moment Peter Parker collapses into Tony Stark’s arms, pleading for his own life in the face of Avengers: Infinity War’s Decimation, you just might be a stone cold professional. The moment is one of the most emotionally taxing events in that film’s mass casualty finale and, for some, it’s still pretty upsetting. Of course, for Robert Downey Jr., being one of those lovable stone cold professionals, it’s a scene that didn’t really hit him until he sat down to watch it play out himself.

Robert Downey Jr.’s story of how Spider-Man’s death in Avengers: Infinity War finally hit him, and why it’s so effective in general, is as follows:

It was crazy to shoot it, but it was just another day, and then we were at lunch and doing stuff, because it’s a movie. But then I think seeing it -- and I happened to see it with this amazing Scottish kid who couldn't go to a theater -- so I saw it with him, and his reaction really effed me up. So I think what a lot of us are looking forward to is, like Kevin [Feige] always says, it's that surprise and delight experience with Endgame. It's one of those things where you go, 'Wow, I think we just made a pretty serious choice.’ But I think audiences like that. I think audiences are so smart and now so... they require to not be fed the same drivel as even twenty minutes ago. We need novelty and I think what the Russos and Kevin have been able to do is provide that in spades.

CinemaBlend was on hand to hear this story at the Avengers: Endgame press conference, as our own Eric Eisenberg was in attendance. And what Robert Downey Jr. said doesn’t sound all that weird -- as in the moment of filming Avengers: Infinity War’s big emotional moment, it’s still kind of easy to get wrapped up in the fact that there’s several takes to be filmed, so it’s easier to come back from that emotional investment.

Of course, with an audience that doesn’t know what’s coming, as well as within the confines of the narrative that Avengers: Infinity War put forth, it’s a completely different context. Despite the fact that pretty much everyone that’s picked up a comic book knows that Spider-Man won’t be dead for long, seeing Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr. really sell the moment jumps right over that logical hurdle and lands straight into the hearts of anyone watching.

The fact that this particular scene landed how it did with the Iron Man actor looks to have informed his performance in Avengers: Endgame, as the recent footage showing the moment where Tony reflects on Peter’s departure suggests that very possibility. Though if some of the theories that have come out in the past couple of rounds of speculation pan out, we just might find ourselves knocked out by Tony Stark’s fate in the long run.

Everything and nothing feels like a surprise in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as the choices made by the Russo Brothers and Kevin Feige fit into the Avengers storyline, while also throwing audiences for a loop. But when you can draw a reaction out of an actor like Robert Downey Jr. while watching those big choices unfold in a film like Avengers: Infinity War, you know you’ve done your job well.

Avengers: Endgame puts the Infinity Saga to bed, and probably revives Spider-Man in time for his sequel, on April 26th. Meanwhile, Spider-Man: Far From Home takes off for adventure on July 5th. Should you want to see what else is in the works in the MCU, and whatever their release dates may be in the future, keep our Upcoming Marvel Movies guide in your bookmarks for further reference.

Next? When Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker's Full Length Trailer May Be Coming

Next? When Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker's Full Length Trailer May Be Coming
Rey In Star Wars; The Rise of Skywalker

Fans waiting for their first look at Star Wars Episode IX were finally rewarded over this past weekend as we finally got a teaser, and official tittle, for the new movie. The footage of Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker looks great, but if what we just saw was simply a "teaser," then when are we actually going to get a full trailer for the film? If past is prologue, then don't expect to see it anytime soon, because it may not be showing up until October.

While there's eight months between now and the release of Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker, the fact is that Star Wars really doesn't need to do all that much marketing. The franchise is incredibly popular already and we don't need trailers to keep the hype going. This has been clear in the way that the previous two Star Wars films released their trailers.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens did release its first teaser trailer in November of 2014, more than a year before the film debuted, but considering it was the first Star Wars movie in years, a little extra push is to be expected. The film then released a second teaser in April of 2015, during Star Wars Celebration that year. This was then followed by a full trailer for Star Wars; The Force Awakens that arrived in October, less than two months before the movie would hit theaters.

The difference between a teaser and a full trailer is somewhat semantic, but in the case of the Star Wars films, the teaser tends to give us footage, but largely without any context. We get to see some cool stuff, but we don't know what any of it means. The full trailer, while certainly not giving away the game, tends to include more character dialogue if nothing else, which can help us at least try to make sense of exactly what it is we're looking at.

This same process of teaser and trailer would be followed two years later when Star Wars: The Last Jedi was released. The teaser was unveiled during the Last Jedi panel at Star Wars Celebration. Then, coming in October, we would get the only full trailer release we would see for the film.

Now, in the case of the third film in our trilogy, we once again got our teaser at Star Wars Celebration, so there's every reason to expect the full trailer will also be released in October.

Part of the reason to expect that is that something else happened in October alongside the trailer release, tickets went on sale for the films.

Tickets for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker are unlikely to go on sale before October and we should absolutely expect a trailer to hit alongside the announcement. All the more reason to expect that this footage is all we're going to get for the next several months.

Still, there's always the possibility that things will be different this time around. In previous years, we'd always received the title for the new movie before the release of the teaser, so previous marketing schedules are not gospel.

Is this going to be enough to keep you excited until October?

First Pet Sematary Reviews Are Up, See What Critics Are Saying

First Pet Sematary Reviews Are Up, See What Critics Are Saying
John Lithgow and Jete Laurence in Pet Sematary

We are in a brilliant time for horror, as the genre is winning new converts thanks to what seems to be an alternating pattern of inventive new original films and fantastic remakes and sequels in hallowed franchises. After Jordan Peele’s Us blew the doors off the box office last month, April has brought the remake/new adaptation of horror master Stephen King’s Pet Sematary.

Considered to be one of Stephen King’s most terrifying novels, Pet Sematary was last adapted for the big screen in 1989, in a film that is well-liked by some fans, but one that probably needed a remake. So how does the new Pet Sematary fare? Pretty well it seems. The reviews are up for the film and CinemaBlend’s own Sean O’Connell gave it 3.5 out of 5 stars, praising it as an adaptation of King’s work. In his review, Sean said:

Pet Sematary, as a story, isn’t for everyone. It’s dark and sad, heartbreaking and complicated. But for fans eager to venture to the hallowed ground of King’s novel, this adaptation is a worthy and unsettling tour guide through the mind caverns of King.

That is encouraging to hear for Stephen King fans who have seen the author’s work run the gamut from unwatchable to masterpiece. That said, the story of Pet Sematary isn’t going to appeal to everyone, and it’s not meant to. Collider’s Perri Nemiroff echoes some of Sean’s points while highlighting how scary Pet Sematary is. She says in her "A-" review of the film:

Pet Sematary isn’t striving to be an easy communal crowdpleaser. Just like the source material, it’s a movie with a real thoughtful mean streak that’ll chill you to the bone, and ensure you remain sufficiently on edge well after it concludes.

It sounds like Pet Sematary is truly scary and will leave you feeling rattled long after the credits roll. Right before the credits, though, is where there seems to be some debate, with some reviewers feeling that this new film, while ultimately being a success, doesn’t quite stick the landing. IndieWire’s Britt Hayes gave Pet Sematary a “B-“ and said:

Succeeds in some areas where the 1989 version failed while ultimately failing to deliver an ending that resonates as deeply as its source material.

Others, like The Wrap’s Monica Castillo seemed to appreciate the new ending to the film how it leaves audiences with a lot to ponder in their post-Pet Sematary trauma. She said:

Its terrifying story about death still leaves audiences with much to think about long after the credits roll, and the twists that lead to a new ending are fun to follow.

Not everyone felt that this new Pet Sematary actually felt new though. In one of the film’s negative reviews, Nikki Baughan of ScreenDaily found the positive elements to be far outweighed by how trite the whole thing felt. She said:

Yet these are buried deep under a mudslide of horror cliches — jump scares, creepy kids, expositional newspaper headlines — that reduce this to just another run-of-the-mill horror remake.

Opinions like that seem to be the minority though, and some, like Slashfilm’s Chris Evangelista, fall on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. He found that this new Pet Sematary made changes that were for the better and allowed the filmmakers to tell a new version of the story that maintains the frightening and emotional impact of the source material. He gave the film extremely high praise in his 9 out of 10 review, and said:

Directors Kevin Kölsch and Dennis Widmyer take the terror that King forged, and mold it into something fresh, and exciting, and downright horrifying. Pet Sematary is one of the best Stephen King adaptations ever.

As of now, with an 79% on Rotten Tomatoes, it seems that Pet Sematary is another winning chapter in the ongoing horror renaissance. The film won't be for everyone and Stephen King die-hards and fans of the original film can probably go either way on the changes. Pet Sematary also isn't a particularly happy film, so if you're doing a double feature with Shazam! it's probably best to end with that delightful superhero film instead of going home on such a heavy note.

Pet Sematary rises from its grave when it opens in theaters on April 5. Check out our 2019 release schedule to see all the horror films and everything else you can look forward to this year.

Does DC Have A Frontrunner For Nightwing?

Does DC Have A Frontrunner For Nightwing?

Dick Grayson is coming to the DCEU, but we still have so many questions about who will play the legendary comic book hero. We know that The LEGO Batman Movie director Chris McKay has some intense qualifications for the actor who eventually takes on the role in the Nightwing movie, but now we're beginning to wonder if Into the Badlands star Lewis Tan has begun to tease his possible involvement in the project. Check out the actor's recent social media post, below.

Notice anything particularly exciting about that picture? The obvious thing to note is that Lewis Tan took a meeting at DC Entertainment recently, and he walked away with some confirmation that he's going to do something Batman-related, thus honoring the legacy of his father, who worked on Tim Burton's Batman movie back in 1989. Beyond that, however, he's holding a copy of a book from Ed Brubaker's run on Batman. It's not much to go by, but it leaves us wondering if we're looking at our first-ever live-action Nightwing in a major DC role; he doesn't seem like a likely contender to replace Ben Affleck as Batman, but the 31-year-old definitely has all of the makings of a proper Nightwing.

As far as qualifications go, Lewis Tan has a lot going for him in regards to playing a potential Nightwing. He's a seasoned member of the comic book movie genre, with credits in films like Deadpool 2 and shows like Iron Fist. Moreover, he's a renowned martial artist and stuntman, which would allow him to easily handle the acrobatics and intense action sequences inherent to a story focusing on Dick Grayson. Director Chris McKay has remained vocal about his desire to make a movie with a nearly unprecedented level of attention paid to the stunts, so casting Lewis Tan to bring those stunts to life could help accomplish that goal.

Then again, seeing is believing, so check out a video of some of Lewis Tan's athletic exploits, below!

Of course, it's worth taking all of this with a grain of salt. Lewis Tan's post does not explicitly say anything about him potentially taking on the role of Nightwing -- or any other member of The Bat Family, for that matter. All he has suggested with this photo is that he's going to follow in his father's footsteps and do something with the Batman DNA. With that in mind, we're just going to have to wait and see what comes of it.

On that note, CinemaBlend will keep you posted with more information related to the Nightwing movie (as well as whether or not Lewis Tan is involved in the Nightwing movie), as new details are made available to us. For now, watch out for James Wan's Aquaman when the next DCEU movie debuts in theaters on December 21, 2018!

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New Godzilla: King Of The Monsters Trailer Intimidates With Bright Lights, Explosions, and Fight Scenes

New Godzilla: King Of The Monsters Trailer Intimidates With Bright Lights, Explosions, and Fight Scenes

We're only about two months out from Godzilla: King of the Monsters giving audiences a showdown they're likely to never forget. Pitting the king himself against the various other MUTO in the MonsterVerse, the sequel to 2014's smash hit is going to need to pack quite a punch to match up to that previous success. Judging by the clip shown below, it looks like Godzilla will have no problem delivering the goods:

The bulk of the new footage in this look at director Michael Dougherty's Godzilla: King of the Monsters seems to take place at an underwater observation post for the cryptozoological organization known as Monarch. With the returning faces of Ken Watanabe and Sally Hawkins, alongside franchise newbies Kyle Chandler and Thomas Middleditch, we see Godzilla engaging in an intimidation display for all aboard to see.

Of course, what good is an intimidation display of glowing light if it isn't followed up by Godzilla swimming too close for comfort? As you see in the dialogue presented in the scene, that message is more than gladly received. This triggers some quick shots of Rodan being released from a volcano, King Ghidorah spewing fire breath from all three heads, and tons of property destruction. All in the name of crowning the true king of the monsters.

Now there's something interesting to note in this new look at footage from Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and it's all to do with Vera Farmiga's Dr. Emma Russell. In the latest trailer, there's a brief moment where Dr. Russell is looking rather distressed, and either injured and/or dying.

As the rain hits her face, and she gazes at something off camera, she says, “Long live the king,” much as Charles Dance did in the first look at the film. While some might think that pertains to Godzilla himself, there could be another interpretation.

For instance, Dr. Russell could be cheering on King Ghidorah, who seems to be the MUTO head honcho squaring off against Godzilla's sort of rogue agent of balance in the world. After all, it's her band of rogue scientists that seem to be deliberately releasing the would be Titans from their prisons around the globe.

This is far from confirmed, but just something to think about in the run up to Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and the implications it might have for the film.

Despite whatever this footage from Godzilla: King of the Monsters means in the long run, the short term effect is that we're just that much more anxious to see the film. And if this sort of action doesn't get your heart going, then there's plenty of other fish in the sea. Just make sure they steer clear of Godzilla and his challengers when the big fight goes off.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters smashes into theaters on May 10th. But if you're looking for some big ticket, destructive action before then, you can head on over to our 2019 release schedule to plan something in the more immediate future.

Marvel's Kevin Feige Confirms Shang-Chi Is Coming In Phase Four

Marvel's Kevin Feige Confirms Shang-Chi Is Coming In Phase Four

With Spider-Man: Far From Home now representing the end of the MCU’s Phase 3 and not the beginning of Phase 4 as we once thought, the future remains shrouded in mystery. But even though Marvel hasn’t made formal announcements or said much about what happens after Avengers: Endgame, there have been reports about projects that are casting or in development. One of those projects is Shang-Chi.

At a fan event part of the press tour for Avengers: Endgame, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige was asked if there would ever be a Chinese superhero in the MCU and his response is exciting for fans eager to see Shang-Chi on the big screen. Feige told the Shanghai audience:

This is not an Endgame question, this is a question about the future. I'm not supposed to answer questions about the future but in this case, I will because the answer is yes.

Not exactly leading by example on the secrecy front are we Mr. Feige? The Marvel Studios President thought it was okay to divulge a little about future plans here, and his response to an elated Shanghai crowd basically confirms that Marvel’s most proficient martial artist is on his way. So it’s probably safe to get your hopes up that we will be seeing Shang-Chi in the next few years as a part of the MCU’s still largely mysterious Phase 4 slate.

Given the reports on a Shang-Chi movie, Kevin Feige’s response is expected, but also welcome. He was asked a question and was able to give an audience who it meant a lot to the answer that they wanted to hear. That crowd’s excitement and the huge importance of the Chinese box office should make it clear that a Shang-Chi movie is both the obvious move and the right one.

The movie for Marvel’s master of Kung-Fu is slowly coming together, with Short Term 12 writer and director Destin Daniel Cretton signed on to helm the project. The screenplay is being written by the very in demand Dave Callaham, who wrote The Expendables, Amazon's Jean-Claude Van Johnson as well as being attached or contributing to the scripts for the upcoming films Wonder Woman 1984, Zombieland: Double Tap and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2.

That's an exciting start and shows that Marvel is taking their first Asian superhero seriously, bringing in Asian-American talent and hoping for the kind of cultural impact that Black Panther achieved with a similar method. With Kevin Feige now speaking more openly and publicly about Shang-Chi and with Avengers: Endgame arriving this week, hopefully this is a sign that we’ll begin to hear more about this film, like casting, before too long.

Of course, before we get to Shang-Chi, the Avengers have a score to settle, whatever it takes, in Avengers: Endgame, arriving in theaters this weekend. We’ll keep you updated on all the latest news about Shang-Chi and the MCU’s Phase 4 as it develops. In the meantime check out our 2019 Release Schedule to plan out your moviegoing as we enter the packed summer season.

There Are Two Things Keanu Reeves Really Wanted In John Wick 3

There Are Two Things Keanu Reeves Really Wanted In John Wick 3
John Wick and Sofia in the desert in John Wick 3

After the first two action smorgasbord John Wick movies, its almost hard to know how John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum ups the ante even further and gives Baba Yaga something new to do beyond just adding to his body count. Fortunately, Keanu Reeves had some ideas, and there were two things that the actor really wanted to see in the third film. As he explained:

I wanted John Wick in desert, passing a dune. Saudi Arabia. Lawrence of Arabia, in a suit John Wick. ... And I wanted John Wick on a horse.

John Wick of Arabia? Keanu Reeves seemingly wanted to put his character in situations that we haven’t seen him in before, ones that are foreign to him and the audience. As Keanu Reeves told Collider, he wanted to put the hitman in the desert like Lawrence of Arabia and separately, have him ride a horse. As we’ve seen in the trailers for John Wick 3, Keanu Reeves got his wish on both accounts.

In the trailers, we see John Wick in the desert, traversing a dune in a suit. He looks completely out of his element and out of the context we are used to seeing him in. Keanu Reeves wants John Wick to suffer, and not being appropriately dressed in the desert looks pretty miserable. That said, John Wick does still look cool in his suit and maybe he’ll meet up with the new Men in Black who will also be going to the desert in Men in Black: International.

John Wick on a horse is also quite the sight because we are used to seeing the assassin on foot or in a car, so to see the ultimate badass riding a horse through the city like a knight of old is pretty cool. Keanu Reeves also elaborated a bit on these elements and the broadening of the world of John Wick. He said:

I thought it would be cool if John Wick escaped on a horse, so we got John Wick riding some horses, fighting with some horses. That was fun. I thought would be cool if John Wick was in a suit in a desert, somehow. So, we’re going to go some desert. We got some cool story there that is opening up the world. We’re really fans of the world. I love the character, so I was like, "How do we get John Wick on a dune?" We came up with an idea – we’re opening up the idea of the High Table, the world—the levels, architecture. If 1 and 2 were The Continental, and we kind of started to hear about the High Table, and now we’re going deeper into the High Table.

Normally you might think that bending the story so that you could do something that looks cool would be ill advised, but the John Wick franchise is all about doing badass stuff that looks cool and, in this instance, these elements are opening up the world of the film. John Wick: Chapter 2 moved the franchise international and John Wick 3 looks as though it will have even more globetrotting.

It sounds like part of what takes Baba Yaga to the desert is the deepening mythology of the series that will happen in this film. The existence of The Continental was what first showed us that John Wick wasn’t just a normal revenge tale or hitman movie, it had a mythology to it. In John Wick: Chapter 2 we began to see that there was an organization that seemed to govern these international establishments and set the rules for the assassins, The High Table.

John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum is set to take us further into The High Table and show us more about how this underground world of assassins works, and that should give fans plenty to be excited for -- in addition to seeing John Wick do battle on horseback, trek through the desert, and swordfight with ninjas on motorcycles.

John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum gallops into theaters on May 17. Check out our 2019 release schedule to keep track of this year’s biggest movies, and for all your movie news stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

Alita Box Office: The Battle Angel Does Much Better Than Expected

Alita Box Office: The Battle Angel Does Much Better Than Expected

Made with a budget of $170 million, Robert Rodriguez Alita: Battle Angel brought out the pessimist in box office prognosticators in recent weeks. Even though the film got a mostly positive early reception, there were many in Hollywood who were ready to write it off as a flop. It turns out that they were a bit off the mark, however, as while the movie's opening weekend numbers aren't exactly "impressive," the film definitely overperformed compared to expectations to take the number one spot away from Mike Mitchell's The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part. Check out the full Top 10 below, and join me after for analysis!

Predictions suggested that Alita: Battle Angel might not top $25 million across its extended opening weekend - having been released on Wednesday night instead of Friday - but audiences demonstrated a lot more interest than that. The movie managed to not only top $25 million in the three day weekend alone, but it's domestic total now stands at $36 million. Again, this isn't exactly record-breaking, but few saw the ticket sales coming.

It's also important to note that the film is also continuing to do very well overseas - and while it won't be arriving in China until later this month, it has already made some serious cash abroad. We reported last Monday that Alita: Battle Angel had made $32 million during a fast start in foreign markets, and in the time since that number has nearly tripled. Thanks to those contributions, the global total for the manga adaptation has gone over the century mark and currently stands at $130.9 million. It still has a long way to go before it can be considered profitable, but right now it's not a goal that will be totally impossible to reach. The next really huge global release will be Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck's Captain Marvel, and that won't be hitting cinemas until early March.

For what it's worth, Alita: Battle Angel also seems to be getting a positive response from audiences - though the statistics suggesting this aren't super scientific. Cinemascore surveys were apparently not distributed at screenings, but it does at the very least hold a 93% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, and a 7.6 on IMDb. Will that lead to folks buying tickets to see it again, or influential watercooler chatter? It's hard to say right now, and the full picture won't be clear until this time next week.

It's nice that Alita: Battle Angel did better than expected, but also important to note that this was overall a pretty dismal weekend for Hollywood (to say the least, 2019 is not off to a tremendous start). According to Box Office Mojo, the collective performances of all titles currently in theaters - both new and old - resulted in the worst President's Day Weekend since 2004 (which had Peter Segal's 50 First Dates as the big draw). In recent years we have seen mid-February become a stronger and stronger release window, with massive hits like Tim Miller's Deadpool and Ryan Coogler's Black Panther absolutely crushing in their debuts, but we saw none of that heat active in 2019.

Counterbalancing the action of Alita: Battle Angel, it appeared like Todd Strauss-Schulson's Isn't It Romantic was being set up to try and get the date movie crowd, but it turned out to not have a great deal of appeal and couldn't beat out The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part in week number two. The box office stakes aren't exactly as a high as they are for the Robert Rodriguez-James Cameron collaboration, as it surely cost a small fraction of the visual effects-heavy project, but one could also imagine that there was hope that the film would do better than a little over $20 million across a five-day holiday weekend.

Of course, things could be worse, as illustrated by Christopher Landon's Happy Death Day 2U - which, editorially speaking, is a real bummer. The first Happy Death Day was a big hit when it came out, making a global total of $125.5 million against a $4.8 million budget in October 2017, but it looks like Universal Pictures and Blumhouse made a big mistake changing up the release season for the follow-up. On top of that, given the time loop narrative one might think that it would have done a lot better if its release had been timed to Groundhog Day, which would have meant that its only real competition would have been Catherine Hardwicke's Miss Bala (which has been a box office dud and opened behind M. Night Shyamalan's Glass in its fourth weekend).

Estimates said that the sequel would make as much as $25 million during the holiday, but the final results were closer to half that. The movie has already made its $9 million budget back, and has a worldwide total of $25.3 million so far, but this is a disappointment when you think about what could have been (and the fact that it's actually a really fun film that deserves to be completed with a trilogy capper).

On the superhero beat, it's also noteworthy that two titles that have been lingering for weeks are now off of the Top 10. Both Peter Ramsey, Bob Persichetti, and Rodney Rothman's Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse and James Wan's Aquaman managed to maintain solid placement on the chart since coming out in mid-December 2018, but the slate of new releases bumped them down to eleventh and twelfth, respectively. Combined they have made $514,092,006 domestically, and that's a remarkable feat worth celebrating, and honestly kind of a nice spit in the face to anyone prognosticating the death of the comic book movie.

Coming up we have a pretty quiet weekend, with the only new wide release being Dean DeBlois' How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World - the film that will end the trilogy that began nearly a full decade ago. How will it fare against the features that are already doing a nice job beating each other up? We'll find out when the dust clears seven days from now, so join me again then!

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