6 Fun Video Game References In Shazam!

6 Fun Video Game References In Shazam!

The following contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Shazam!

Shazam! sets itself apart from your normal superhero blockbuster by having a hero who is, basically, a 15-year-old kid. As such, Shazam/Billy Batsons passions are largely similar to the sorts of things that average teenagers love, like eating junk food and occasionally skipping school.

One other thing thats a big part of Shazam! is video games. We see our main characters playing against each other at one point, but thats far from the only time that video game references are made in Shazam! Here are five surprising references to video games found in the new DC superhero movie.

Mortal KombatAs mentioned, there is one very clear video game reference in Shazam! As we see the adult superhero and his friend/brother Freddy playing the classic fighter Mortal Kombat, apparently using money they swiped from ATMs, based on all the new stuff we see surrounding them. Specifically, the two are playing the recent Mortal Kombat X and Shazam is playing as Raiden, the god of thunder. It's a fitting choice considering both Raiden and Shazam can shoot lightning from their hands.

However, thats not the only reference to Mortal Kombat in Shazam! Another reference comes later, when the superhero version of foster brother Eugene, uses a classic Mortal Kombat line. The game series is best known for its collection of brutal and violent finishing movies, where characters can eviscerate their opponents in various ways. Its called the Fatality, and Eugene uses the classic phrase after Shazam has taken Silvanas eye and defeated him for good.

Street FighterMortal Kombat is one of the best known tournament fighter games ever made, but one title that might be even more well known is the Street Fighter series. The title predates Mortal Kombat by a few years and has had several more games to its name.

Again, the reference here comes from Eugene at the end of the film. His adult superhero version has the lightning power of Zeus that he gained from Shazam. At one point, upon firing his lightning at one of the Seven Deadly Sins, he shouts Hadouken, a reference to the call of Street Fighter members Ryu and Ken, who use the word when sending a fireball toward an opponent.

Watch DogsWhile Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat are two game series that many people are familiar with, even if theyve never touched a video game console, the rest of the references begin to get a bit more obscure. While those familiar with AAA console games will know the name Watch Dogs, others may not. The game is an open world action game in the vein of Grand Theft Auto but with the twist that the player has the ability to hack computer systems in order to manipulate the environment.

Eugene makes reference to the game as one of the reasons he has picked up some skills as a hacker. Im not entirely clear how, since all hacking in Watch Dogs is done by pressing a single button. There really isnt much opportunity to learn actual hacking.

UplinkAlongside Watch Dogs, however, is a reference to another hacking-themed video game, and one that might be slightly more useful to learning hacking. Uplink is another game that Eugene apparently plays, or did play, quite a bit. Its actually sort of impressive since the game was originally released back in 2001, making the title older than Eugene is. Its possible Eugene played the mobile version that was released in 2012. Still, its nice to know the kid likes to play older video games too.

Uplink doesnt have you control an avatar of any kind, but instead is a game that looks like youre using an actual PC interface. The hacking works more like the way that you see hacking portrayed in movies, as opposed to actual hacking, but since Shazam! is a movie after all, it seems likely that Uplink is a realistic version of hacking for that world.

PlayStation MoveThe most utterly bizarre video game reference is the unlikeliest one in the movie to notice. Rather than being referenced in dialogue or shown clearly on screen, one scene shows one of the supporting characters armed with a Sony Sharpshooter, a gun peripheral that was designed to be used with the PlayStation 3s Move motion control.

Back when the Nintendo Wii was the biggest thing to hit video games since, well, the original Nintendo Entertainment System, Sony tried to come up with its own version of the tech. The Sharpshooter was essentially a plastic shell for the system that turned the standard Move controller into a light gun. The thing is, the Move was never a major hit, and the Sharpshooter was an additional peripheral, making it even less popular. Where somebody found one of these, and why they thought using it was a good idea, is anybodys guess.

Fortnite?This last one Im not sure is specifically meant to be a video game reference, but its too close to one not to mention. During the Shazam super power testing montage, we see the superhero doing a little dance while hes waiting for Freddy to get ready to film him.

The dance hes doing is called the Floss, and, while it wasnt created for a video game, its popularity as a dance move has become immensely more popular thanks to being an available emote option in Fortnite, the most popular game in the world right now. The dance and the game have become so popular together that they're currently the subject of one of several lawsuits against the game.

From the obvious to the obscure, there are some really fun video game references in Shazam! With all indications being that we're going to get a sequel to Shazam! sooner rather than later, video games will probably continue to be a touchstone of this franchise, and we can look forward to more references in the future. Shazam has made appearances in real life video games before. One has to wonder if Shazam could actually become a video game character within the DC film universe, allowing Billy Batson and Freddy to actually play as their superhero counterparts in some future movie.

One other thing that's a big part of Shazam! is video games. We see our main characters playing against each other at one point, but that's far from the only time that video game references are made in Shazam! Here are five surprising references to video games found in the new DC superhero movie.
6 Fun Video Game References In Shazam! - Celeb Vida
As such, Shazam/Billy Batson's passions are largely similar to the sorts of things that average teenagers love, like eating junk food and occasionally skipping school. One […] 6 Fun Video Game References In Shazam!
6 Fun Video Game References In Shazam! - CelebeRazzi

From the obvious to the obscure, there are some really fun video game references in Shazam! With all indications being that we're going to get a sequel to Shazam! sooner rather than later, video
6 Fun Video Game References In Shazam! | MyEntertainmentNews

And if you have or haven't watched it, you may want to know which Shazam video game references to look out for or to go back and spot them. It's a fun way for audiences to engage in one of the most lighthearted DC movies, which actually pays a lot of homage to video games and gaming pop culture.
5 Shazam Video Game References you Should Look Out for in the

It's a fun way for audiences to engage in one of the most lighthearted DC movies, which actually pays a lot of homage to video games and gaming pop culture. Related: Valve Curbs Borderlands Review Bombing on Steam. Here are some of the Shazam video game references to look out for in this seventh movie in the DC Extended Universe.

6 Fun Video Game References In Shazam! - cinemablend.com

From the obvious to the obscure, there are some really fun video game references in Shazam! With all indications being that we're going to get a sequel to Shazam! sooner rather than later, video games will probably continue to be a touchstone of this franchise, and we can look forward to more references in the future.
6 Fun Video Game References In Shazam!

From the obvious to the obscure, there are some really fun video game references in Shazam! With all indications being that we're going to get a sequel to Shazam! sooner rather than later, video games will probably continue to be a touchstone of this franchise, and we can look forward to more references in the future.
6 Fun Video Game References In Shazam! - MNNOFA NEWS

6 Fun Video Game References In Shazam! 10 Apr 2019. 11 Comments Off on 6 Fun Video Game References In Shazam! Some of these were obvious, but some not so much. Source
6 Fun Video Game References In Shazam! | PeopleNet TV
One other thing that’s a big part of Shazam! is video games. We see our main characters playing against each other at one point, but that’s far from the only time that video game references are made in Shazam! Here are five surprising references to video games found in the new DC superhero movie. Mortal Kombat
6 Fun Video Game References In Shazam! - Cinema Blend

From the obvious to the obscure, there are some really fun video game references in Shazam! With all indications being that we're going to get a sequel to Shazam! sooner rather than later, video games will probably continue to be a touchstone of this franchise, and we can look forward to more references in the future.
5 Shazam Video Game References you Should Look Out for in the

The Top 10 October Movie Openings Of All Time Include 3 From This Year

The Top 10 October Movie Openings Of All Time Include 3 From This Year

There has been a lot of talk about October box office records this month, with Venom and Halloween tearing up the charts during their opening weekends and beyond. It's talk that has been completely justified, if you look at the numbers for best October openings throughout history. In fact, you can take a look at those openings for yourself below, just to see how historic this month really has been.

Venom - $80,255,756Halloween - $77,501,000Gravity - $55,785,112The Martian - $54,308,575Paranormal Activity 3 - $52,568,183Jackass 3D - $50,353,641Taken 2 - $49,514,769Scary Movie 3 - $48,113,770Shark Tale - $47,604,606A Star Is Born - $42,908,051

As you can see from the data, both Venom and Halloween have totally dominated the conversation. In addition, A Star is Born has also made its way onto that chart. Still, let's set the stage a little before diving into the numbers and factors involving these champions. Now typically, October has been seen as a dumping ground for off-season write-offs and horror cash ins. After all, it's a month before November picks up steam with prestige season and family blockbusters galore.

In recent years though, it has become another testing ground for franchises and concepts that, outside of tentpole season, could stand a chance at success. Just look at this year's three additions to the top openings of all time: Venom, Halloween, and A Star Is Born. Two are remakes or reboots of familiar properties, and one is a spinoff adjacent to the superhero craze that has run wild in Hollywood.

While Halloween is the one film that probably would have opened this month no matter what, the other two had other choices. Yet, A Star Is Born more than likely going to be the film that really kicked off the prestige season, which has been a boon for the movie's October debut the same weekend as Venom. Meanwhile, Tom Hardy and Sony's superhero saga was positioning itself far enough outside of either tentpole season, so as to feed viewers starved for blockbusters and specifically comic book content.

Both films gambled and it paid off, with Venom even setting a brand new record for the month. Yet if you look a little deeper, there may be another, more traditional reason this could have worked in this year's movies' favor.

As you'll see on the list of 10 films above, all but two (Shark Tale and Gravity) are sequels, remakes, or adaptations (The Martian) of familiar material. Also, for a month that promises all things spooky, only two legitimate horror films are on the list for best October openings (Paranormal Activity 3 and Halloween). Even with the work done to turn this normally dormant month into a viable candidate for box office competition, sequels and spinoffs are clearly what seems to be working most.

October still hasn't seen a blockbuster opening make or cross the $100 million line, so there's still work that could be done to make the month more prominent for moviegoers in the future. With months like February and September sharing a similar profile, the successes with films like Deadpool, Black Panther, and IT haven't yet been replicated. Venom came close though, with $80,255,756 in its opening frames.

Even without a fish that big, this pond has still crossed some massive landmarks in the past decade, as eight of the top 10 titles happened in the last 10 years - with the top five being solely occupied by that time frame's bounty. So going forward, what does this mean for October?

Well, since September is now a new month to colonize with horror hits, thanks to IT and now The Nun striking it rich, October is no longer the sole month to depend on for chills and thrills. Rather, it's now another good month to test out could-be blockbusters, and could be the month that starts awards season a little earlier moving forward. That's not a bad place for October to be.

Personally, I think it looks as if October is basically the new April, as we've seen that off-season month grow into a hot competitor once Marvel Studios got its hands on it. It might even become Sony's Marvel niche, leaving Marvel Studios to keep a tight grip on the end of April or early May as the company always intended. It's all rather up in the air at this moment, but once the month produces a $100+ million opening, I'd expect trend chasers to take whatever film achieves that milestone as the gold standard.

One final note about this year's results, which were compiled by Box Office Mojo, is something that could spell new wins for an old franchise. Comparing Venom to Halloween, the estimated respective takes of $80.3 million versus $77.5 million may seem close. Consider the following: Venom had premium formats and 3D to help inflate its grosses; while Halloween only had some premium formats, a total lack of 3D support, and an R-rating it earned in blood. With fewer resources, the sequel closed its fortunes to a cap of roughly $3 million dollars. The bottom line: don't be surprised if Eddie Brock and Michael Myers happen to have a rematch in the next couple of years.

The box office calendar has diversified itself drastically over the last decade, with more and more "surprises" landing in months we wouldn't expect them to inhabit. This year brought us three in the month of October, and looking at October 2019's line-up, there's some more records to potentially be broken. With Warner Bros. testing the waters themselves with the Joker spin-off, The Addams Family and Are You Afraid Of The Dark? looking to please families in the Halloween spirit, and the long awaited Zombieland 2 currently penciled in to make its debut, we might see some of these titles knocked off the list, in favor of some fresh blood.

While we wait for next October to finally roll around, CinemaBlend will keep you updated on the new movie releases coming in 2019.

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Gambit Will Be A Romantic Comedy, According To The Producer

Gambit Will Be A Romantic Comedy, According To The Producer

While cinematic universes and comic book movies have become commonplace in the last decade, the X-Men franchise was ahead of the game, releasing the original film back in 2000. The mutant-focused property is still going strong, with the first trailer for X-Men: Dark Phoenix recently arriving online, and wowing the fandom. In addition to Josh Boone's The New Mutants and the Deapdool franchise, there is another project that has long been developing: the Gambit movie. With Channing Tatum attached to star as fan favorite Remy Lebeau/Gambit, the movie has been delayed more times than you can shake a stick at. X-Men producer Simon Kinberg recently updated the fandom about Gambit, revealing the project will have a much different tone than most superhero movies. As he tells it,

When you look at Gambit, he's a hustler and a womanizer and we just felt like there was an attitude, a swagger to him, that lent itself to romantic comedy.

Well, that was unexpected. Plenty of superhero movies have contained romantic plot lines, but they're hardly the focus of the narrative. Gambit will change this, once again proving that the X-Men franchise is ready to take some risks within the superhero genre.

Much like The New Mutants will be the first horror-related superhero movie, Gambit will be the first rom-com. With all three of the cinematic universes, the most daring and unique projects have become popular, from Deadpool to Guardians of the Galaxy. The Gambit movie taking on a romantic comedy vibe will set itself apart from the throng, and hopefully make the long wait for its release worth it.

In his same conversation with IGN, Simon Kinberg also clarified that Gambit won't be a traditional rom-com, but be inspired by that specific genre of movies. As he clarified:

You know, when I say romantic comedy, I use that term loosely, in the same term that I use the term western for Logan loosely. It's not like they're gunslingers at high noon in Logan. It's just a vibe. And I would say the vibe of Gambit has a romantic or sex comedy vibe to it. While it is also still very much a superhero movie with villains and heroes, as all these movies are.

What a relief. Although Remy Labeau will still be charming the ladies with his signature cajun charm, there will still be the classic elements of superhero movies. This includes plenty of action, and a big villain for the X-Man to fight against. Gambit has been a fan favorite character since the X-Men animated series, and fans have been waiting for the character to be adapted to live-action (X-Men Origins: Wolverine doesn't count).

CinemaBlend will keep you updated on all things Gambit. The next installment in the X-Men franchise is Dark Phoenix on February 14th, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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